Hooo boy, why the heck was I so upset yesterday?
I read over my old blog entries today (on here) and last night (on my portable hard drive at home) and, yeesh. Why was I ever upset about SD's deciding that she doesn't want to come visit anymore because of me? All that does is show SO what a self-centered snot she is capable of being, because he knows exactly what the problem is and he knows it is not me. I mean, this is a child who kicked me in the flippin FACE less than three months after meeting me. Literally. Because I was trying to be nice to her and have fun with her, she kicked me in the face.
Yes, I felt bad for SO having to deal with a selfish child who only cares about herself and nobody else. Yes, I felt bad that his child was giving him an ultimatum. And yes, I was nervous about how this would impact my relationship with SO and his family. But, why did I feel bad about my relationship with SD? She's been nothing but awful towards me.
I'm going to do a dance of joy when I get home because she won't be visiting us here. That means: no tension, no snotty looks, no snarky remarks, no bratty behavior infiltrating my home, not having to babysit a child who could care less if I was lying dead on the floor, no more having to hide things that I don't want her to pilfer, no more having to hear her scold me on not taking proper care of her cat (like she would know...), no more having to watch her torment our animals, no more worrying about leaving her alone in the apartment, no more worrying about her taking stuff of mine home with her, no more worrying about her lying and sneaking around the apartment at 2:00AM, certainly no more worrying about her inappropriate displays of affections towards SO, and no more worrying about fitting her into our plans and outings.
Gosh, why didn't this feeling of true bliss hit me sooner? Why was my first instinct to cry over SD hating me? WHO CARES! It shouldn't have been a surprise to me that she hates me. I should have whooped it up when SO told me that she didn't want to come visit anymore.
Go ahead and call ME selfish and self-centered, but, if you had to spend even one day with that child treating you the way she has treated me for the last four years, you would be whooping it up and dancing for joy, too.
- attempting_to_maintain_composure's blog
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YAY you! Dance for joy!!!!
YAY you! Dance for joy!!!!
My happy dance of joy had to
My happy dance of joy had to wait five minutes after I got home. I was on the phone with SO when I walked in. But BOY did I just do a happy dancing lap around my apartment!
Ya. Sometimes I kick myself
Ya. Sometimes I kick myself for helping DH secure primary custody of SS (not that BM actually wanted custody).
It would have been nice for SS to go to his mom's EVERY weekend though... since that was something she had asked for at one, brief point.
I 'LIKED' this 1,000,000
I 'LIKED' this 1,000,000 times.
Ha, I used to nudge SO
Ha, I used to nudge SO towards the idea of pursuing custody. Don't think I'll be doing that ever again haha. I can only imagine the hell I would be living in right now if SD ever moved in with us. I mean, she did want to move out here in December. Though I'm still kind of convinced that she didn't quite realize that living with dad meant living with me.
You were feeling hurt and
You were feeling hurt and scared and realized that you and your DH will be just fine so one door closed and a new one opened..
You sound great and I'm excited right along with you!!!
It's funny how it worked out
It's funny how it worked out like that. He was OK with it when he first told me (I guess he's had a lot of time to process this because I really don't know how long he's known that she hates me THAT much) and I was all devastated. But, I should have just taken the cue from him. If SO is fine with her being an ass and refusing to come visit because I dare to exist in her father's life then OH WELL! Tough for SD. She's missing out, not us!
Selfish? Self centered? Are
Selfish? Self centered? Are you freaking kidding??!! I'd call you liberated!! Sure, it stings a little, but really it's a blessing in disguise
I guess I was expecting the
I guess I was expecting the trolls to come out and play on my post, but, hopefully they are in hibernation ^_^
After I called BM out for
After I called BM out for being such an ass a couple of years ago she is "punishing" us by having no contact.
Now it was horrible of her not to tell DH when older SS died, but other than that it is heaven. Give me that punishment every day. Younger SS is an adult so there is no reason to care if she is dead or alive.
Haha, oh boy, what punishment
Haha, oh boy, what punishment indeed! "Oh, gee, you're not going to talk to us? *sob*"
But, yes, she is a callous, despicable excuse for a human being for not telling your DH that older SS died, because, c'mon, that's just bull. My own family did that to my mom's stepbrothers when my grandfather died. I just don't get it.