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I want you all to know the secret to getting your "mojo" back-I just discovered it.

bewitched's picture

This morning, as many of you know, started out in fear and anger, when I found out H's paycheck was garnished. Granished BIG TIME by the IRS.

At first I was terrified. Then the call came for the job interview. That settled the nerves a bit.

Then the calls from H. He's running scared now. The dynamics totally flip flopped. Now he so afraid of me divorcing him (read that-where will I live if the IRS takes my money).

So now for the getting the mojo back part. It was my email to SD17. Granted, I could've taken more time and addressed more issues-but the point was: This is my turf, woman, and you won't disrespect me on my turf anylonger.

Nearly a year I've taken her rudeness, her in your face disrespect, her walking in here like she some kind of freakin queen and is taking over. And H backing her up.

It feels wonderful to tell her off! I feel empowered, I feel strong, I feel positive. I feel like me again for the very first time since I married the moronic H.

Now, of course, you realize my son grew up & moved out of here a few years ago. So I've become quite accustomed to doing things my way, in my home with my pets, my belongings. So the insult of SD17's behaviour here was tying me up in knots, especially with H tag teaming it with her.

So ladies & gents, get the boxing gloves on. You want to feel good about yourself again? Well I can only suggest-stand your ground with these skids & overindulgent spouses. Fight it out if you have to. I didn't realize how much rage was pent up in me, what it was doing to me, the meek, long-suffering woman I was becoming, until I let H and SD17 have it.

Tonite I actually found myself kinda dancing around the house, feeling whoops of joy welling up. AWESOME FEELING.

And so many of you are treated this way-the 100% responsiblity, but no authority thing. Let loose. Tell em how it is, how it will be, leave no room for doubt.

It will do wonders for your heart (and your complexion).


BeenThere's picture

Power IS a heady, intoxicating experience, isn't it? And being the parent with the money gives you the power-- or "mojo." Enjoy it!

But think twice about divorcing his butt. He may be worried about where he's going to live in the short term, but that situation will resolve itself with alimony. If you're the spouse earning the bucks -- well, you don't want to become the person who pays rehabilitative or any other alimony so that he can continue to enjoy his current standard of living.

Most Evil's picture

I have had the same experience telling BM off.

At one point I went to a counselor because us making boundaries was making our relationship with SD/BM worse and I felt like I should feel bad or something, and the counselor told me that we need to let BM lead and beg SD to love her dad, and that I should stay out of everything, except to pay for everything.

I told her, why is it that everyone else in the world can defend themselves when people take advantage, but you are tell me as the stepmom that I should not. That is BS!! I went back once more to tell the counselor this and then she agreed with me. And she claimed to have step experience!

It made me feel better but it did make our BM/SD relationship worse. If they can't have it their way taking advantage, they were not going to play. Oh well, at least me and DH feel better, that is who I am concerned about!!

Congrats girl - I hope the whole thing starts to go your way! Woohoooooo!!

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin

byebye's picture