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sterlingsilver's Blog

Dancing a happy jig!

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Woot, just found out my ex is moving to the cold state of Alaska! He can "freeze" in hell for all I care! NY will be a brighter place for me now :)I guess he;s after some woman up there who is a logger or trucker chick. Very funny. Now if I could just hear that bm is moving, I'd throw a party for the whole state ;0

A crush turning seriously wrong

sterlingsilver's picture

This is not a new issue with ss15 by any means but it's gotten to the point of being out of control. ss15 has been sneaking out at night to meet in the woods with his gf who is 19, 4 years older then him. Last night his sister, my sd26 was sleeping on the couch b/c she is here for ss18's graduation, ans she heard ss15, her baby brother leave out the back door. She was appalled and went after him. He just shrugged her off and kept walking. She was so furious and told SO this morning about it. She knew this has been an ongoing issue.

company's gone, now get outta my house ss.

sterlingsilver's picture

We've had Grandma and sister here now for 3 days and nights, now it's time for the skid to get the hell outta my house. Immediately upon being able to stay the night on the couch he gets up in the middle of the night and cooks, leaving garbage thrown behind the toaster and mixer and other "hidden" areas in the kitchen. It infuriates me how ss18 is such a closet binger. He loves to eat and then "hides" the evidence. He's not very good at being sneaky tho.

Warning - BLEEP

sterlingsilver's picture

When the couch is wet and the carpet wet, from steam cleaning, is it really ok to bring your big bohemoth son into the house with filthy clothes on stinking like rotten cheese and sit on my furniture and take off your shoes and dig your filthy toes into my clean rug?????

Get the hell outta my house :jawdrop:

But of course I am the bad guy for over reacting once again.

Bleep, bleep, bleep.........

"your kids count too"

sterlingsilver's picture

What if your SO wants to hear you say those words --- and what if you can't say them?

I am NOT in love with my skids and yet SO seems to like my kids a lot. He really does, and so he thinks I should like his. And SO really feels that my kids count, and yet when he asked me to say those words (back) to him, "your kids count too", I simply could not say it.

is a simple apology to freakin much to ask for from adult skids these days?

sterlingsilver's picture

Shit i just had a big freakin yell out with SO again. He just assumed that I was ok with ss18 coming over to eat supper b/c he was going to move some things from the garage to the shed for SO and so he gets to eat supper? I reminded him that when ss18 moved out of the house it was b/c he was disrespectful to me and said threatening things to me and I had said then that if he steps foot on my property again I would call the police.

oops, not feeding the prince enough?

sterlingsilver's picture

My ss15 informed me yesterday that he is going to make his dad kick him out of the house so he can live at his friend's house b/c they feed him. I asked him if he wants me to go ahead and keep saving his suppers for him or will he be eating over there from now on? He said not to bother anymore. Then last evening he comes home with a box of mac & Cheese in his pocket and informed me his friend;s family had to go out and couldn't feed him so they sent him home with food. Hmm, really? So it's now their job to "feed him"?

am I being fed a bunch of hokey?

sterlingsilver's picture

I found out last evening that my ss18 has 5 Fs and 1 D. He is supposedly graduating, in fact SO just asked me a couple of days ago to please help him pick out a nice shirt for ss18. I said "no" b/c of our history, now I am wondering if SO just doesn't know his son is failing and thinks he's graduating or is he keeping this embarrassing info from me? Am I being told a bunch of crap about ss18 graduating and having parties and getting a job?

Grandma's coming to town

sterlingsilver's picture

So yesterday my future mil texted me saying she is in fact coming to town next month and is staying with us (she offered to bring her own bed) and is now wanting to throw a big graduation party for ss18. I am of the mindset that I am not letting ss18 back into my home ever again or at least until he apologizes to me for saying to me just before I kicked him out "as long as you're with my dad I'm going to make your life miserable".

I don't even know what to title this blog entry :(

sterlingsilver's picture

So like my previous post said, I cleaned house. Well today I am puttering along all happy that the whole ss18 thing is over and taken care of. At 3 my SO walks in the door trailed by ss18. I just kept on baking and doing what I was doing. SO proceeds to check out what I am making and I just answer and then finally said in a whisper, "What is he doing back here"?????????? SO told me ss18 needs to take a shower. Ss18 gets his clean things and goes upstairs. I continue to bake,do dishes and was just listening and watching.
