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steppinginsf's picture

HI everyone,
This is my first posting. I am new to the step-parenting stuff and all the issues that blending families brings. I have not biological children of my own, but a SS10 who lives with his father/me half the time. We recently transitioned from "dating" to getting engaged and beginning to be as a family together and my partner and I have never fought more!
I do not agree with all of this parenting decisions (e.g. co-sleeping with his son until about 6 months ago, getting in bed with him every night to read until his son falls asleep, or never having left his son with a babysitter, thus requiring that we take him to all adult functions with us). He is a wonderful, loving, and very involved father-- too involved at his son's age if you ask me!
I struggle b/c I feel like I am supposed to not have needs, not want any of his focus, etc. in the time his son is with us. I want him to help his son be more independent instead of carrying his bags/backpack, packing up his stuff, combing his hair when he gets out of the shower, etc. I mean this is a kid who is about to go through puberty with early acne!
My SS is a good kids, largely. He is smart and interesting. He is also used to a lot of attention and assumes he will be treated like an adult, and sometimes I get annoyed b/c I want to have a conversation with his dad that he isn't a part of. I want my partner to stop jumping at ever request he makes. I sometimes with he weren't there, and that makes me feel terrible.
Do you ever stop getting annoyed? There are times the 3 of us are great and comfortable and happy together. But sometimes I just want my partner, I get sick of watching the way they interact, and I feel so alone and a bit lost (I moved into their place; we just got rid of some "bachelor" furniture and are slowly making it a bit mine).
I'll leave it at this for now-- the BM is an entire other issue, our hope to have our own child in a year or two. I'll just start with this stuff.


Pantera's picture

Things need to change or you will never be happy. I think everyone on this site has felt the way you do. You need to tell your FH exactly how you feel and why. You guys should get some counseling before you get married. DH sounds like a huge guilty parent and its only going to hurt ss in the long run.

belleboudeuse's picture

I agree -- this needs to change, BEFORE you get married, or you need to get out. Plain and simple. No, it will NOT change -- in fact, it will get much, much worse, unless you and your BF go down the long, tough road of changing it.

Buy the book STepmonster by Wednesday Martin, read it, have him read it, and then get yourself into counseling -- with someone who actually has experience dealing with this sort of thing. Screen your counselor before you plunge in.


"No matter how cynical I get, it's never enough." - Lily Tomlin

steppinginsf's picture

We just started therapy together and it feels very supportive and intimate, as well as a giant relief! I really struggle with these feelings, when I step back and consider they are about a child I feel guilty.

steppinginsf's picture

And thank you for the book rec! I just looked at it on Amazon and am going to purchase...and encourage my partner to read. I sometimes think he doesn't "get" all of the feelings I have, sees me as a potential threat to his relationship with his son, which is where/when our conflict begins.