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...convenient and conditional parenting

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So the BM goes from crazy mode in riding SS17 about homework and chores, to complete indifference and neglect.

Both skids needed to use her computer last night in order to print out their reports and do research. Apparently this wasn't convenient for her (more than likely the kids put it off and she was being an ass about not helping them). The skids contacted DH to ask if he could pick them up at the library today because they needed to finish their projects. BM then locked herself in her room from 7pm on last night. I truly think she is bi-polar.

I shake my head that she doesn't surprise me - yet completely surprises me.

It's no wonder SS17 has completely shut her out.

There are days the skids drive me nuts - but I feel so blessed to still have a loving family surrounding me. Everyone wants to lock themselves in their room at one point or another... if I thought I had pushed my own bio children that far away, at what point do you reflect inward that it could be YOU?