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Sootica's picture

Yesterday DH shows me a text he got from SS12 (soon to be 13) asking if he could please go to an under 18's club night. SS is with us every Tues & Weds eve hence the request in advance. DH agreed he could go and would drop him off and pick him up. Personally I would have said no as I think SS is too young and also way too immature -but what do I know right?! I didn't comment when DH showed me the message because (all together now) "Not my monkey,not my circus!" . Anyway DH picks up SS from BM this afternoon, SS has a shower and comes downstairs & is chatting to DH,DH turns around to make a cup of tea and when he turns around he notices his £20 is missing off the kitchen side. DH proceeds to stick his hand in SS sweatshirt pocket, can we all guess what he found?That is correct his £20! Which SS follows up with "oh yes I was going to ask you if I could have that." Duh! Yes of course you were SS.Needless to say DH is furious & SS isn't going anywhere.I just don't understand why he would steal, he has everything he wants here & DH always gives him spending money if he is going out somewhere when on our watch. I guess BM's genes are bound to shine through sooner or later!


HungryEyes's picture

An underage club at 13? Holy crap. I would have been killed for asking.

Skating rink, kid. Get used to it.

Sootica's picture

Exactly!13 is way too young in my opinion even for a child that is mature for their age never mind one that is totally immature.

Sootica's picture

I don't think SS learnt his lesson because we had a problem with stealing about 8 months ago and DH had thought he had nipped it in the bud then but clearly not it would seem. When DH asked him why he took the money the response was "sorry,dunno" it was very obvious that SS doesn't give a monkeys! Even DH commented how he is sick of SS ongoing bad attitude & surly behaviour, he mentioned ( to me not SS) how he hopes he would grow out of it. I couldn't help but remind him that BM is 34 and to this day exhibits the same characteristics. It is becoming more and more obvious with each passing day that SS is taking after BM not only in appearance but personality wise too.

kathc's picture

Wow! No way should a child that young be going to a club, under 18 event or not! Like someone else 15, maybe. 12? Hell no.

I hope after the stealing bit that your DH won't even entertain ideas of letting him do something like that.

Sootica's picture

DH says that SS has blown his chance now and won't be allowed to go to any under 18 clubs anytime soon ie. for a few years. I was like "Really?If he was my child I wouldn't have let him go as he is way too young. The stealing is a whole separate issue." It will be interesting to see if DH sticks to what he says though.