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Follow up to ADHD assessment MOTY did not attend

Sootica's picture

SS14 had an assessment a few months ago for ADHD.BM did not attend. Last week he had the follow up appointment and SS has been diagnosed with mild ADHD,again BM did not attend. On the plus side changing schools has done SS a world of good & he is doing much better in school. I fail to grasp how a parent would not attend their child's medical appointment, especially when the Dr is keen to put SS on medication. There is another appointment scheduled next month, am betting she won't attend that either.


ESMOD's picture

Ok.. my fuddy duddy is gonna show here.

Mild ADHD in my mind shouldn't require medication. This means to me the kid falls into the spectrum of kids back in the day who had a little more energy and just needed more discipline to keep them on task. I would think behavioral modification to teach him how to deal with the pull to have his mind wander off task would be better than drugging the kid.

Thumper's picture

I AGREE no meds necessary. YOUR not fuddy duddy

OP do you think the boy should be on meds? IF so, why?

There are valuable recourses out there that include behavior modification. ADHD/add can be treated well without mind altering drugs.

ESMOD's picture

Ah.. well I WAS going to say. "back in my day those kids got a swift kick in the pants and that knocked them into line."lol. I understand corporal punishment isn't the answer, but I imagine that giving the child a lot of outlets for activity (physical) and teaching them ways to stay on task are much better. Especially for a MILD case of it.

momjeans's picture

I agree.

Back in the good 'old days, when I was a 70s latchkey kid, this sort of behavior just didn't fly with my peers.

Sootica's picture

Goodluck in my humble opinion the meds are a big no.He isn't on any as yet. The side effects are enough to make your hair stand on end! ESMOD I think the exact same thing regarding the way children are brought up in this day and age the ADHD label being used too freely to excuse lack of rules & discipline but after all what do I know as I don't have kids.

SM12's picture

My BS was diagnosed with ADD when he was in elementary school. Not because he was disruptive in class but because he had trouble with his subjects. I was being pushed like crazy to put him on meds. The teachers did not want to deal with helping him or coming up with an alternative way to help him. I wasn't asking for special things, just maybe give ME some guidance on how to help him at home. They didn't want to bother. We tried the meds for about 5 years and it was a nightmare. He was either up all night and not eating or the final stage was when he became extremely depressed. He was so depressed he was scaring me and I feared he would hurt himself. I talked to the Dr who was ZERO help. I finally took him off all meds. We ended up moving to a different school system where he did extremely well. They too pushed me to get him on meds but I refused. So we came up with alternatives. I wanted my BS to learn how to deal with the ADD on his own and not rely on meds or use them as a crutch.
He finished his Jr and Sr Year of high school on the honor roll which is something he never did before.
I have no problem with parents who choose to use medication. If it helps their child then good for them. It was just a nightmare for BS and if I had to do it all over again, I would have stopped the meds years sooner.