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Great party.....not!

Sootica's picture

Tonight is SIL's 18th & she is having a party,so DH,SS13 & I attend. Half way through the evening SS starts whinging he wants to go in the next room & play pool. I said ok I'll come with you & DH.DH turns around & says "no if you come we will lose our chairs at the table we sitting at" WTF?! Then 10 mins later gets pissy cos I won't play pool with them.Thanks DH you have just again proved its your little family of 2 with me as an outsider.Not to mention I had to make polite conversation half the night with your other sister who is mates with BM.


simifan's picture

Why didn't you get up and leave? I'd be outside calling My BFF to come get me. Why would you let him treat you like a DAMN coat?