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School wants SS out!

Sootica's picture

Surprise,surprise SS14 completely misbehaved on his school trip to Spain.This was the same trip that he almost wasn't allowed to go on because of the piece of paper he set alight in class a while back.

Apparently his behaviour was so bad on the trip he was to be kept out of school for 4 days last week -except BM rung them and I don't know what she said to them but the school agreed he is to stay home for 2 days and may attend school for the remaining two days but is to be isolated from the other pupils. The school has also informed DH and BM that SS is to be moved on to another school. DH took SS to the GP this week and SS is being referred for an assessment.

I asked DH what did the school say SS did on the trip and at the meeting DH had with the school it transpired SS had: stolen money from a fellow pupil, climbed across to an adjoining balcony (on the 4th floor), verbally abused Spanish guests at the hotel and thrown food in the canteen.

I use to get so worked up about SS bad behaviour before but the last few months I've completely detached,focused more on me and lost weight and I feel like I am getting the old me back.

Apparently BM suggested by getting SS assessed the school can't boot him out while he is waiting for his assessment and if he is diagnosed as having a behavioural disorder the school won't be able to just throw him out.

Watch this space.....


twoviewpoints's picture

Yes, have SS assessed ...but reading through the tales of your SS? Kid seems like a spoiled brat** who likes playing the 'bad boy' image, the class clown and 'whaddyagonnado' punk.

Has Dad considered military school? Dirol

Sootica's picture

twoviewpoints I agree with you 100% and I have told DH that SS is a product of his & BM's "parenting" (or lack thereof). DH always wants to be his friend and BM wants him out of her hair and for her he was nothing but a meal ticket. DH said if this carries on he will send SS to boarding school in Scotland. I said to him this won't solve anything (& of course DH will foot the whole bill because BM always pleads poverty).

Sootica's picture

wickedsm123 BM would 100% agree because she would still get CS and have SS not living with her 50% of the time (currently custody is 50/50). I am aware that the boarding school may not take him but DH is of the opinion of you throw enough money at a problem it will go away (ridiculous right?!). DH & I already had a massive arguement a few months ago when I told him he should be a parent to SS and not his friend,since then I don't get involved much. I can just imagine if SS was in a boarding school DH would go even more overboard when SS is home in the holidays,spoiling him rotten.

Sootica's picture

wickedsm123 apparently "it's easy to pass judgement when you not the parent" is what DH says ( we can't have children so you know I'm apparently clueless and lack common sense since I haven't birthed a child). I told DH a few months ago he should be SS parent and not his friend and he and I had the mother of all arguements because "how dare I tell him he can't be a friend to his son". With the latest bout of bad behaviour DH says he is at his wits end but I also get the impression he is secretly hoping SS is diagnosed with something so that absolves him and BM from their crappy "parenting" being responsible for SS appalling behaviour.

Don't apologise for asking questions it's absolutely fine.

Sally I agree with you military school would be the way forward but of course DH would never do that to his previous,speschul snowflake. It's a complete recipe for disaster.This kid is 14 looks about 18 and has the freedoms of a 21 year old.

Stepped in what momma's picture

"we can't have children so you know I'm apparently clueless and lack common sense since I haven't birthed a child"
I have a girl crush