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Parenting 101 strikes again

Sootica's picture

I was doing the washing earlier this week & surprise,surprise I found a lighter in SS13 trouser pocket.This is the same kid who stole matches from our house in March & started a fire at school.I told DH & he said he would talk to SS,he apparently also spoke to SS a week earlier when he found out he was selling an e-cigarette at school.So Tuesday SS comes along to us as usual & do you think DH had words with him & gave out a suitable punishment?Of course not!He did however take SS to watch a football game & told him how he had purchased his ticket for the haunt fest this evening so SS can go with his friends.Parenting 101 at its best strikes again!


Totalybogus's picture

I truly believe that these types of issues are the product of parallel parenting. Dad and mom split up, kid has different rules in different houses. Dad sees kid every other weekend. Mom doesn't include dad in decisions. Dad doesn't want the four days a month he spends with his kid to be negative. Its just an awful way for a kid to grow up. The kid knows he (general) can do anything he wants and then play the parents off each other. Both parents are trying to be the kid's favorite instead of a parent.

I really can't blame dad for trying to make a positive influence on his kid in the short time he spends with him. The real person getting the shaft is the kid.

Sootica's picture

Totalbogus split is 50/50 kid is with BM every single Mon & Thurs & with DH every single Tues & Weds they each have alternative weekends so I'm afraid the 4 short days a month arguement doesn't apply in this case.

ctnmom's picture

I hope your DH has plenty of money in the bank for when SS gets a huge judgment against him for burning someone's property down!

Sootica's picture

ctnmom this is exactly what I am afraid of! It is insane that the parents who are the only people who can do something are actually doing nothing,it blows my mind!