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Grrrrr.... disgusting skids!!

sasha101's picture

Why is it that 3 kids aged 7, 8 & 14 are not capable of using a toilet without leaving shit all over the seat? I'm sure as hell not cleaning up after dh's disgusting little brats. Maybe I should dig a hole in the garden and make them go out there till they learn to behave like civilised human beings... dirty little bas***ds!!


sasha101's picture

He actually made them clean it up themselves, which at least shows he's trying. But he's done that before when they've peed all over the floor so they've obviously still not learned about how to use a toilet properly. I know what you mean about dried toothpaste all over the bathroom - I talked to him about that last week, told him it was disgusting and they were all old enough to clean up after themselves. It's still there and I'm certainly not cleaning it up for him. What do I have to do for him to get off his ass and teach them some basic hygiene rules; push his face in their filth till he gets the message???

StepX2's picture

I have the same problem except the step that is doing this is a 46 y/o grown man who doesn't know how to flush a damn toilet, leaves crap on the seat and NEVER washes his hands after using the bathroom. I am only a couple years older than this pig and I am somewhat OCD about germs and cleanliness, so the simple task of cooking in the kitchen becomes very anxious for me. It usually starts with me scouring the kitchen and washing every handle in the room just so I don't have to get crap germs in case Mr. Shitty hands has touched anything. :sick: Even with all that I still feel as though everything in that house is contaminated by him. It honestly stresses me out so much. My SO's way of handling his son? SO posted a sign in the bathroom saying "WAS YOUR HANDS". Like that helped at all, plus, why shouldn't this damn adult know to do that on his own?!?!?!

Shaman29's picture

I had a similar problem with DH's kid, but it was menstrual blood instead. She was fine for years when she suddenly started smearing it all over the toilet, counter and sink. I went to her privately, because I thought she'd be embarrassed if I went to her father. I tried a few times to get her to clean up after herself. No luck. Tired of this, the next time it happened I called DH into the bathroom, pointed out all of the mess and said deal with it. DH called his kid into the bathroom and as far as I know she had to clean it all up.

But it didn't stop and she continued to PURPOSELY leave a mess behind in the bathroom one week a month.....UNTIL.

One afternoon I went to use the bathroom (we only have the one) and there was a HUGE mess everywhere. I was furious. I walked right into DH's kid's room, grabbed the first item of clothing I stepped on, went into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of Windex and then went into the bathroom and cleaned up the mess with DH'S KID'S T-SHIRT. She was yelling at me the entire time but I didn't care. I then threw the shirt back where I found it, turned around and said I would do that every time she left her disgusting, bloody mess in the bathroom.

Did I mention she had a friend over at the time? Biggrin

She complained to DH and I said don't you dare say a word to me about this. You both had a chance to correct this and you didn't. So we corrected it my way.

She doesn't do it as often, but when she sees me heading into her room she RUNS to go clean up the bathroom before I ruin any more of her clothes.