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Evil Step Mom

Jacky's picture

What do you do when your step-daughter steals from you & you end up the BAD step-mom?


oldone's picture

remove any asshole from your life who tells you that being the victim of theft makes you "bad".

oneoffour's picture

LEt me guess, she deflects the accusation back at you, she tells Daddio that she didn't KNOW it was yours/MEAN it, she ignores your boundaries.

So you have 4 choices....
Lock everything away.
Start taking her things even if you don't want to use it and deny it. Tell your DH that in future you will not be permitting his daughter to use your bathroom as there seems to be a huge misunderstanding as to what she can and can't borrow. So she may want to stock up on her own toiletries.
Tell DH that being the bad stepmother is a rite of passage and is required for all stepmothers to earn their wings... or horns.
The next time she accuses you of being mean/hurting her widdle feelings you look her in the eye and in a very calm voice say "No, this is about you taking my shampoo/makeup/lunch without asking first. This has nothing to do with whether I like you or not. You took my things without asking. It is called stealing"

You know how she operates so practice how you will respond. And frankly, who cares if some snot teen says you are a bad person. Does her opinion really count? And if DH/SO sides with her without losing a beat I would question your long term status.

If you do walk away remind him that she won. But he lost the most wonderful life with you. His loss, not yours.

twopines's picture

Who is saying you're a bad stepmom?

I hope you filed a police report when you discovered your jewelry was stolen.

Unhappy's picture

OMG. Do you not realize what planet you live on. YOU are always worng. SKIDS can do no worng. Your skids would never steal from you. They never treat you disrespectfully on purpose or at all for that matter. They never LIE only you do because YOU have it out for the poor little precioussssess. YOU are not allowed to parent them but expected to deal with all of their BS and oh boy if you try daddykins will be all over your a$$ like white on rice so don't even think about it.

YOU can and will be expected to cook, clean up after and do their laundry. YOU can exect to always come last so just get used to it. YOU can expect to have your feelings disregarded for the sake of the precioussssessss. YOU can expect to be ignored in any attempt to try and help DH be a better parent of just a freaking parent for that matter. YOU can expect years of hell. You can and will be expected to bend over and just take so get used to that one as well.

What the name of this planet it I have no clue. I think is more like the twighlight zone or like a parallel universe of some sort where everything is backwards. Or maybe I just died and now I'm being punished in hell and I just haven't realized it yet. Nobody really knows.

Unhappy's picture

The crazy train to hell. So that's where I've been all this time. Thanks for clearing that up for me. Now tell me why nobody told me how bad this place sucks? I mean really. The travel agent could have been a little more forth coming with all of this. I want a refund.

Jacky's picture

Oh my God! You all do understand I needed to hear this but I logged out & never came back! THANK YOU all for listening to my pain! I haven't forgot it & she has never said I am sorry & she has never been back to this house again. Her Father is the one I feel sorry for though. He has respected my request that she not come here but his heart bleeds. But on the flip side he never made her accountable. He said what can I do? (she lives an hr away)