Sticky fingers strike again!
This weekend SS was with us.A good friend of mine came to visit from out of town and SS shows off the new tracksuit BM got him for Christmas "it cost £190 you know", new trainers "they cost over £100" and then a tatty Gucci wallet "mum got this second hand it cost over £200"! At the time we didn't think anything of it as BM has a history of buying shady items off E-Bay and convincing SS it's the real thing.Tonight DH gets a txt message from BM "You need to speak to SS!He took MY Gucci wallet without me knowing!I found £15 in it ,which after I pressed him he admitted he stole from your house." This is in addition to the £20 stealing fiasco we had last week.Apparently SS is now grounded for 6 weeks and all electronics are going to be taken away from him.
- Sootica's blog
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