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smnikki's Blog

SS is drowning, hes so far behind, i feel like im the only one trying to do something!

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we had ss with us last night. this last weekend i was at target and had found some preK activity books, flash cards, and an alphabet puzzle. I have been trying to explain where ss4 really should be at in his learning, and DH is in complete denial about how far behind ss is. As well as the fact that ss has almost no ability to focus on anything! So last night after dinner, i begin working with ss, he is SO excited to learn, but you can tell he is clearly not grasping what it is that he is supposed to be learning. Honestly i think he was just happy to have the un divided attention.

How many of you addressed the issues you have with dh before you married?

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Just curious, because it seem that we all are here for one reason or another, but there are some things that if my dh ever had done i would not be here. Before i married him i went over every what if circumstance i could think of, and pushed him to tell me how he would handle it. If i didnt agree we would discuss it untill we met in the middle some where.

physically sick over BM drama and in laws... CS queston at the bottom

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I posted before about all the wonderful drama that DH and i came back to after our honemoon, and it hasnt gotten any better. Thursday night we called the cops and filed a harrassment call because she was calling on repeat and yelling and threatening DH.

Finally on friday dh made all the calls to start the ball rolling and get all this taken care of...the person at the CS office finally called dh this morning and explained that since their cs was a court order, he had to file for a modification.

How long does this usually take?

Back from paradise to BM HELL!

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the day before we left, ss had tball, and it was our night. bm showed up before us with ss (it was her day to pick him up from day care and take him even though its our night) and she informs my fil that she is going to tell my dh that she will be keeping him for the night because she is going camping in the morning. DH gets there and she approaches him, he says no that we are leaving for 8 days, he wont see him its our night, and she can pick him up in the morning. BM flips out, and starts yelling, scoops ss up and leaves with him.

Hi everyone!!! Im back and now an official MRS!!!

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Jamaica was great, the wedding was beautiful!! Looks like i have some catching up to do with reading! oh yeah, and an update, because BM has completely flipped out!

anyways, i will be creating a facebook sometime in the next week and posting pictures! cant wait to meet some of you members there!!

BM really, truly is a pos!

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on wednesday, fh and i went to tball. SS4 is COVERED in temporary tattos. all over his arms, chest, and even his neck. FH had asked bm to please not put them all over, at least put them where clothes cover them, and 10-15 of them on at one time is excessive.

So, wednesday was out night, we bring him home, take photos of all the tattos, and fh takes s in the bathroom to clean them all off.

what would you think? FH text to BM

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im curious how you would feel. fh says that im over reacting and i cant figure out how to put in to words that what he did needs to NEVER happen again

so last night fh and i have some beers with the neighbors and then i came home to do some stuff. FH comes home and proceeds to continue to drink. At 1230am he comes in to give ma a kiss (im still doing something--not asleep) and says that he has text stupid shit to tell her basically that..shes stupid.
