smnikki's Blog
Il's still friends with bm...need advice
ok im really struggling with this. no matter what nice things i do for inlaws (on fil's side) mil and sil's have nothing to do with us, anyways, i do all these nice things and try to be involved only to be told that i should feel sorry for bm, and that all inlaws should be civil to bm because of ss, even though bm is harassing us, trying to get full custody, and a shitty mom.
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Im a bad sm because ss got a hold of sissors and cut his hair.....
but bm is a mother of the year even though her new dog attacked ss and made his eye swell up and gashed his him gum which he sticks in his hair, and oh yeah, didnt even take him to the doctor when the dog attacked him.
dh told bm that if the dog bites ss one more time hes calling the police or demanding that she put the dog down (thats how bad the bite is) said she was already planning on that...this was NOT a playful puppy bite, ss was full on attacked...could have very well lost his eye if the dog would have bit any more.
quick survey..boys urinating in backyard?
for those bm and sm's i guess, what is your opinion of posting photos on your myspace of boy (around the age of 4) urinating on a wall in your back yard?
mind you..there is no issue of wet clothes from swimming, a bathroom steps away...
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for any of you with anger inside you from your life with dh---long, question at bottom
not because of dh, but because of all he comes with.
a psycho cunt mother in law. a pathetic lazy fat ex wife that harasses you. family (inlaws) that pretend to be nice to you to get things from you like 500 dollars worth of vip rose parade tickets because i get them every year for free, but expect you to be "the bigger person" and feel bad because bm has a crappy life, and stay friends with her on mysapce and still send her xmas cards.
other inlaws that avoid you like the plague because mil is such a bitch, and no one wants to be held accountable for their actions.
need advice..disengaging and what should dh do?!
bm took us back to court, right before she did, her state asst was ended because she collects dissability, so she took ss out of daycare with out dh's consent even though they are supposed to have 50/50 say. Im assuming her financial downfalls does not mean that she starts to make 100% of the decision of ss's day care status. dh never went to battle over her braking the court order and taking him out of day care because we were already gearing up to go to court. and he though it would get handled in there.
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i just dont get how bm and mil are so freaking stupid....actually im thankful at times!
dh called to talk to ss this morning and had to remind bm that they have specific times they are allowed to call. in the evening its 7pm to 730pm. if the parent not with ss does not call at this time they lose their chance to talk to ss, unless already previously arranged because parent with ss would not be able to answer during mandated time. welllllllll, big freaking surprise bm has called EVERY day out side of that time! even when she has ss, she has ss call dh before 7pm. So after several days of dip shit just not being able to get it, dh reminds her....lets see how this goes.
0t-emplyee with cancer going through chemo...
a lady that works for me is currently going through chemo for ovarian cancer. she was diagnosed and operated on 2 years ago. this is her 3rd or 4th type of chemo treatment. she is 66, and has worked here for i think 12 years.
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it has started...3 months married and now ss thinks he is going to start treating me like crap!
bm has been watching ss because she cant afford day care, so on our days, dh has to see her fat face twice and ss is spending almost every day with bm. dh and i decided not to press the issue of child care because ss seemed to be acting fine, and we could use the extra 250 a month rather than spending it on child we thought great, bm is a free baby sitter...well as we all know, NOTHING is free.
when you see my face i hope it gives you hell
that song just came on the perfect right now!!! just the thought of me im sure give bm and mil hell...but its funny to sing along and think of them!! haha such losers
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YaY!!!! Court with bm is done...and she realizes she kicked herself in her own azz!!!
dh just got out of the thrid and final court apperance for the custody and child support cliams that bm made 2.5 weeks after we got married!!!
as i posted she got NOTHING in mediation...except court mandated therapy for 16 sessions for her "personal issues" we still have 50/50, and had stipulations for calls and visits put in so that she cant harass us.