it has started...3 months married and now ss thinks he is going to start treating me like crap!
bm has been watching ss because she cant afford day care, so on our days, dh has to see her fat face twice and ss is spending almost every day with bm. dh and i decided not to press the issue of child care because ss seemed to be acting fine, and we could use the extra 250 a month rather than spending it on child we thought great, bm is a free baby sitter...well as we all know, NOTHING is free.
ss has been with bm everyday obviously, and with mil as well. mil called my dh when ss was with her and burst in to tears, so im sure mil gave ss an earful about why im the horrible person making her cry. ss has digressed in to the nasty trailer park child that you would expect from bm. no please and thank you...and has now taken to acting like im not even there.
last night dh got home with ss, i was making dinner. dh tells me ss wants a salad, so he starts to make least he did it him self...but i was like really? ss wants it so you jump..what about the things i wanted you to get done this weekend? does not say a word to me, so i carry on with making dinner and interacting with dh all the while ss is standing in the kitchen asking dh every second what he is doing annoying the crap out of me but still not saying a word to we eat dinner, ss is totally exhausted!either bm is running him ragged or he is staying up and not sleeping over there. so i go on the porch with dh, i come back in before dh and ss looks at me and says, where is my dad? the living room is right next to the couch (he clearly not only knew but could see where his dad was) so i told him where do you think he is?
so i start cleaning the kitchen and dh sits on the love seat and ss is laying at one end of the other couch, so when i finish, i walk over to the couch to sit down and ss extends his feet, i just sat on them. he gets up and tells dh to send him to bed he is tired. dh says in his baby voice, come here big guy sit with daddy, so dh holds him till he falls asleep and then puts him to bed.
i kept telling myself, dh has to see whats going on, right? ss is ignoring me, putting his feet in my way, etc. but he didnt say am i mad that he is so freaking bild or if he did see he isnt correcting ss's behavior...
ugh, so today i bring up to dh on my way to work when he calls me, "did you notice how austin was acting towards me..."
he instantly comes flying to ss's defense, oh he was really tired
i just let it go, but then dh called me a little later and said he talked to ss, and told him he hurt my feelings etc...dh tells me that ss says he loves me and he was just really tired, so i tell dh, "and you are buying that? dont you think that no matter what a kids issue is that as the parent you should be consistent and teach the child that he needs to not be rude and disrespectful?"
so out breaks war, dh accuses me of making him choose between ss and i, he says all he can do is talk to him...thats not good enough for me! its not a choice, its him making his child respect his wife and when he doesnt then he should be punished just as he would be with any adult. talking?! maybe the first time, but if that doesnt work than dh needs to not coddle him, and he should be punished!
i feel like i am super sensitive because i read about the horrible positions so many of you are in, your dh's give in because of guilt, they are blind and allow skids to treat smom like total crap!
my question he doing normal kid stuff? am i over reacting because im scared of what it might turn in to? ugh, dh always makes me feel like im over reacting.
- smnikki's blog
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Oh my gawd nikki...your SS
Oh my gawd nikki...your SS sounds EXACTLY like my SD. it's AMAZING!! They could be almost the same child just based on this blog.
The optimistic side of me wants to believe this behavior is just kid stuff...the pessimistic side of me says it's just Skids behavior. They always say the first year is the hardest...and I found that's almost true. SD is getting better at things like this but she's still having issues w/acting weird towards me. Like if she wants something from the kitchen and can't reach it she won't ask me even though I'm standing RIGHT THERE...she'll go into the living room and say, "Daddy can you get xyz for me please??" and my DH has started getting irritated w/her he's like, "Ask Barbie...she's right CAN talk to her ya know."
Maybe just give your DH some time to get annoyed w/SS's behavior and let it sink into his head a bit.
~Why run away? I know who I know who I am. Just let me be~
I think SS needs to go back
I think SS needs to go back to daycare. I know that having extra $$$ is helpful, but the alternative is SS being badly influenced by BM frequently.
I also think DH needs to step up and start punishing SS for being rude to you.
I have to agree with the
I have to agree with the daycare thing.
but getting DH to step up is going to be hard considering he's a guilt daddy right now. It's going to take some FANTASTIC communication skills to bridge that gap.
~Why run away? I know who I know who I am. Just let me be~
I'm not really sure of your
I'm not really sure of your story, but it seems as though the kid lives with you guys, at least most of the time. If that is the case and you are the custodial stepmom, I wouldn't wait for DH to correct the kid. I would do it myself. For all intent and purpose, you ARE the mom in that house. I know some would say that you are giving your DH a free pass to not parent his son, but I believe to truly have a "blended" family when the kids live with you full time, you have to take on the same roll the nuclear mom would. Might sound sexist but women are just better at running a household and children. We are just hardwired that way. Bull by the horns, smnikki. You will be happier for it.
You and dad need to sit down and come up with some common rules for the boy to follow. He is 4. He can reason.
great points!! thank you i
great points!! thank you
i have withdrawn a little i think.
we have 50/50
he has ALWAYS made ss treat
he has ALWAYS made ss treat me correctly. even if i was cooking something and ss asked me what was in it, and if i said something he wasnt sure about he would say oh i dont like that, and before i could even blink dh would have him in time out and then have him apologize to me for being rude....i dont get it, now he is like oblivious to what ss is doing, its been happening for a week or two, i just brushed it off.
i am going to drop it isobarbie...thats a great point, i know that dh is really great about doing things once ive pointed it out or expressed my feelings, i just wish he didnt get so defensive or upset when i try to bring something else, because then i get mean and it becomes so much more.
anon....dh and i did say that he needs to go back, bm has until the end of dec to get a job, then no matter what he is going back and its up to bm to figure out how to pay her half.
there is an activity that ss and i did together, taking the colored strips of paper and making interlocking loops and then we tear one off each day till its christmas.....he was bugging me last week about doing it, but i was exhausted from work, im going to do it tonight with him and see how he acts, maybe ive been distant with him too