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Shell97's Blog

Were DH & I to harsh????

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Ok, here is the situation DH & I are in. Saturday night DH & I went out for about 4 hours (first time out without kids in 8 months). We left SD15 in charge of BS11 (was just the 2 of them here). DH & I told them both the rules before we left....1 no phone (unless it's an emergency), 2 no computer, 3 no one is allowed here while we're gone, 4 Stay inside the house. Pretty simple and easy to follow. Well, DH & I left around 8pm. My cell phone rang an hour later....SD15 " Mom, Tony called asking for dad." I said what did you tell him?

Update to SD15's case....

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Last week was the preliminary hearing for SD15's case against her SD(step-dad). Before the hearing began, I experienced something that I have never felt before in my life. SD15 & I were sitting in our car waiting for the DA to come get us to go inside. Well, I look over my left shoulder and 2 cars away is SD. I looked back at SD15 and said lean over here a second, Dad wanted me to give you a hug before the hearing starts. Then I hid her entire face so that SD couldn't see her as he walked in front of our car.

Very excited and nervous at the same time......

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DH & I are very excited for Thanksgiving this year. It will be the first year that SD15 has been with us on Thanksgiving day. We just wish that SD11 could be with us too. But we are going to have a blast. SD15 & BS11 last day of school for Thanksgiving break was Tuesday. So tomorrow the kids & I are going to make 2 pumpkin pies and maybe some cookies (since I don't like pumpkin pie, lol). Then we'll get the turkey out to thaw and I'll have SD15 help me on Thursday to make the meal. That way she can learn how to for when she has her own family.

Wish me luck.....

Shell97's picture

I have to leave this Saturday to take SD15 back to our home state to testify against her SD (step-dad) next Wednesday (refer to previous blogs to understand why). Well for the past few weeks....BM has been trying to plan a bunch of stuff to do with SD15 for the short 3 1/2 days we will be in town. (It takes 2 days to get there) And every time I asked about getting SD11 while I'm there, BM would blow me off.

Looking for a little advice, not sure what to do.

Shell97's picture

I'm looking for some advice on what to do with my BS11. Since we have moved 1100 miles away from my parents, he had seemed to finally grow up a little bit and started acting his age. Well, then SD15 moved in with us in August, due to her step-father(SF) molesting her for several years and finally having the courage to tell us on her visit here with us in July. At first everything seemed to be going pretty good between SD15 & BS11. I mean they have their normal sibling fights, but for the most part they get along great. Well, BS11 was doing very well in school until SD15 moved in.

OK need some advice on how to handle this.....

Shell97's picture

OK, most of you know the situation with my SD15. Well, we have been having some problems with her since she came to live with us in August. We have been able to work out solutions to most of them but one. She is constantly making out with guys that she likes, but has just met. My DH has talked to her about this, her BM has talked to her about this, and her therapist has also talked to her about this too. Well, we went to a friends house over the weekend and SD15 & BS11 decided that they wanted to spend the night with our friends kids. So, we said ok.

Confused, Stressed, Upset, and ready to give up

Shell97's picture

Some of you may have read my previous posts and know what is going on in my life right now in reguards to my SD15, DH, BS11, & myself. Those that haven't read them, please do before commenting on this post.

Well, we are a month away from the date when DH & I have to take SD15 to testify. And it's stressing us both out because DH's job is not going to good and money is really tight right now. So, that is the stressed part.

I think I may have made a mistake....

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I posted an update about DH & I's situation with SD15, her SD(step-dad), and BM. Well along with DH and BM finally working out the custody agreement the other night....BM wasn't happy until they worked out some type of visitation schedule. So here is there schedule.... SD15 (who now lives with us) will go to BM's for one week over her Christmas break (SD15 gets 2 weeks off at Christmas). So SD15 goes from the Sunday before Christmas until the day after Christmas.

A little update about our current situation....

Shell97's picture

Well, I haven't been able to be on for a while because so much has happened in the 2 weeks. First thing to happen was SD15's stepfather was arrested and charged with a total of 140 counts of various things because of molesting SD15 for several years. Second they notified us of when the preliminary hearing will be. So DH, myself, and SD15's therapist has been working with SD15 to get her ready to testify.

I need some advice on how to handle this.....

Shell97's picture

Well, to start off....SD15 moved in with DH & I in August. BM was to give us her stuff so that we wouldn't have to buy SD15 all new things (clothes, personal items, anything of SD15's that she wanted). Well, the only thing BM gave us was SD15's clothes, shoes, a purse or 2, some of her make-up, and a couple of SD15's movies. Well this upset SD15 and she can't understand why BM won't give her her things. Then to top it off, last month BM called and said SD15, I'm going through some of your things that are here and was wondering what you wanted me to do with them.
