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I think I may have made a mistake....

Shell97's picture

I posted an update about DH & I's situation with SD15, her SD(step-dad), and BM. Well along with DH and BM finally working out the custody agreement the other night....BM wasn't happy until they worked out some type of visitation schedule. So here is there schedule.... SD15 (who now lives with us) will go to BM's for one week over her Christmas break (SD15 gets 2 weeks off at Christmas). So SD15 goes from the Sunday before Christmas until the day after Christmas. Then because my parents live in the same town as BM and they always come visit us the week after parents will bring SD15 and SD12 (who lives with BM) to our place. And we will have SD12 until the day after New Years Day. Then my parents will take SD12 back to BM. OK, that's fine. Well, SD15 says after DH & BM agree and get off the phone...."Dad, you do know that I am getting older and I am not going to always want to be at my mom's for Christmas Day, right?" His response...well you are gonna be at least until you are 18. So, ok SD15 blew it off and let it go for now. So, onto the rest of their agreement....Summer visitation. At first it was SD15 to go to BM's for 6 weeks and then me go get SD15 & SD12 and come home. Then SD12 would be with us for 3 weeks. Really fair huh? Well, SD15 did not agree to it. SD15 gets her learners permit to drive in Dec. and we told her that if she wants to be able to drive, she has to get a part time job after Christmas to pay the amount that they will increase our car insurance to add her. So, now there is no set dates for summer, because SD15 said that she may or may not go to BM's this summer. It depends on if she has a job and what her friends are doing this summer. So because of that, we don't know when we will see SD12 over the summer. But I'm not gonna worry myself about it right now, when I have other things to worry about.

Now where the "I think I may have made a mistake" comes in first BM wanted us to split the cost of an airline ticket to fly SD15 by herself to BM's. Well, DH wouldn't agree to it because we can't afford it. At least not for this year. Because of BM waiting so long to agree to sign the custody and make the visitation schedule. So....DH got BM to agree to meet us half way. And then BM started complaining about the cost of gas, food, and hotel. Well....dummy me opened my big mouth and said "If it is just me taking SD15 to meet BM, the 3 of us can share a room and split the cost." After I said it and heard DH repeating it to BM....I couldn't believe what I got myself into. But BM told DH that she would think about it. Well, the very next day I got an e-mail from BM saying that she will take me up on my offer to split the cost and share a hotel room the night we meet to drop SD15 off to her. So, now I can't back out of it. And I will have the pleasure of sharing a room with BM.

Now I know what people mean when they say "Open mouth, insert foot." LOL!


Shell97's picture

I have always tried to get along with BM, there has just been some times where she made it impossible to do. I guess I wouldn't feel so uncomfortable about it if my DH would quite cracking jokes about it. Oh well, I'm gonna hope for the best and will for sure post the experience on here after I get back home from that trip.

Most Evil's picture

OMG, that should be a restful evening! LOL, hey, no one can say you are not giving the relationship all you can. Glad it worked out! Smile

"What luck for rulers that men do not think."
Adolf Hitler (1889 - 1945)