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Pass me the Qtips......

septembers_child's picture

So Dh is carrying on like he didn't even hear what I said to him the other night..Saturday night he brought up letting My Hell watch some TV. Yesterday, was a busy day for me. I cleaned the entire house, steam cleaned, did laundry and painted part of our bathroom..

What did DH do??? After spending hours on the computer he finally annouces that he is going to "help" MY HELL do research for a big project she has coming up...(Fine.)...But then he comes up staires and announces that he has to run to the store for a gas can ect for the lawn mower..I am up staires painting the bath room and it's not like I can stop in the middle of it..

He then announces that MY Hell is down staires doing research on the computer for her home work...So he leaves her down staires at the computer and in the same room that the TV is on in...Hello??? She is 10.5 years old..Is she gonna do research on her report??? Or is she gonna watch TV and goof around on the computer??? Sure, I could have gone down staires and shut off the TV. However, the other two kids were watching a movie and I didn't think that they should be punished because MY HELL is down there..

So I am fuming...But I carry on with my painting job. I am not gonna drop what I am doing to go down staires and moniter his Brat to make sure she is doing what she is supposed to be doing..And not doing what is isn't supposed to be doing..Guess how much research she did in the hour that DH was gone?? She had ONE paragraph worth of notes on her report when he got back..Oh yes, she was just a researching away...NOT..

So after he gets home she works on her report for about two more hours. Working on her report consists of her coming to him at the computer every 5 to 10 minutes for one reason or another having to do with her report. In the amount of time she spent running to her dad she could have gotten a lot done on her report. She had plenty of information in front of her in the form of Encyclopedias. The reasons she kept coming to him were boarding Stupid...Things like, "Hey dad, what's the state flower of Illinois?"...

She was asking him questions that were in the books and on the web page she was "supposed" to be researching while he was gone...She spent more time pulling bogus excuses out of her konniving A$$ to be out in front of the computer asking for dad's "help" then she did doing any actual work!!And he was answering all these questions for her...Gosh, he might as well have just done THE WORK for her, heave for bid she should have to look in those expensive books we bought and actually DO the research herself!!! It never entered his thick skull that had she actually spent the time doing the research on the computer and in the books she would already have the answers to the many questions she was asking him..

Anyway, later in the day, Dh is BBq ing out side and lets our son play out back with the neighbor kids in their sprinkler...Immediatly, MY HELL starts in with "Boy it's hot today.." (Obviously trying to manipulate her way outside into the sprinkler to play with the other kids.) I just ignored her, like I try to do as often as possible.

About 10 minutes later DH comes to me and says, "I was thinking that MY Hell did so well with her home work research today that she should be allowed ot have some time on her DS." (The "boy its hot" crap pushed her Daddies "twisted sympathy" button.)I just looked at him and said, "She has had her DS in her room since you let her play on it the other night."...He says, " I know, but she doesn't play it unless she asks first." ( he retarded?)

This guy honestly believes that she isn't upstaires in her room all over her DS???? Of course she is.. Any kid would be..But especially this kid who is all about "what she can get way with"...And since she is supposed to be grounded from electronics what would she possibly need to have her DS in her room for in the first place??? It should be up in the closet where electronics go when the kids are grounded from them..NOT IN HER ROOM..

When it comes to my husband and his daughter i feel like I am talking to a retard...My personal opinion, he let her keep it in her room, knowing she would use it...Because he felt sorry for her..And used the old she only uses it when she asks to try to save face with me..This pissed me off even more because it's underminging our agreement..He didn't "forget" she had it up there and letting her keep it in her room WAS NOT discussed with me first..Why, because he KNEW what I would say..

I think it very interesting to note those things that he chooses to consult me on and ask "what I think" on and those things that he doesnt...JERK..