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Worried about the skids hitting puberty

baseballgirly's picture

I watched "Bridesmaids" this past weekend. One part in the movie that stuck in my mind and didn't quite occur to me before was ....

The blond girl was telling the ditzy one that she has all boys "... sperm everywhere.... broke a blanket in half...."

How bad is a young boys puberty??? I'm okay with them taking long showers and that's where I want them to keep it!! Does it get out of control??? Am I going to find "boy goo" around the house like I've found snot in all different places????

I am completly in the dark about this and could use a little advice!!


IfearImgoinnutz's picture

DH is the only male in our house so I don't have to worry about this one. He's pretty clean. However, I dread and curse the day when we will have 4 teenage girls, all on their periods. LMAO

baseballgirly's picture

Ah!!! All of a sudden I feel blessed instead of cursed!!! 4 teenage girls?!?!?! Good luck!!!!!

baseballgirly's picture

It didn't even cross my mind until I saw that clip in the movie!! There are 2 skids here.... 2 years apart. So it'll start with the older one and drag on with the younger one. Sad

I remember a young cousin of mine bragging about taking 3 half hour showers a day and thought to myself "we all know what you're doing in there.... not sure why you're bragging". Didn't even THINK it would be happening in my house soon!!!

When does puberty in boys start??? The skids are 8 and 10.

lac925's picture

UGH! I'm SOOO dreading the skids hitting puberty! There are 2 girls and 1 boy: the oldest (11 yrs old) still wets her pants and smells unclean, the boy has already experimented (with his sister - don't even wanna think about THAT one!), and the youngest one is messy and sloppy and hates taking baths :S But just like the laundry, I let DH take care of their stuff - I only deal with MY kids' things.