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Is 3 old enough to make these sorts of decisions?

girlmeetsworld714's picture

Just curious: would any of you let your 3 year old daughter cut all her hair off? I'm talking boy cut, possibly even shaved just because "she wants to"? Is 3 years old enough to make these decisions or is it something she shouldn't have a say in until she's old enough to "understand" that it doesn't grow back at a snap of the fingers? I mean, I've never had to deal with this before and I don't know what I'd do so I'm just looking for other opinions. I love long pretty hair that can be braided and put in ponytails and all that girly stuff, but if it isn't my hair should I not care and just let it go? Will a 3 year old girl get picked on at daycare/preschool for having "boy hair" or do kids that young not care?

Orange County Ca's picture

No she's not and in a week she'll forget she wanted to. Yes she certainly could get grief at day care.

momagainfor4's picture

omg this is the precurser to the crap I deal with now!! A 3 year old can't make rational decisions for themselves!!!

nor can a 14 year old.. otherwise they would be living on their own in their own home!! I think that it's great to teach your child to be independent and to make their own decisions but as parents it's our job to steer them in the right direction.

Not let them run our homes, our lives or our relationships. It just starts with this stuff. Then get's worse.

girlmeetsworld714's picture

Probably. She has really curly hair so I'm actually pretty sure that's the case. The poor kid was bald until she was almost 2 though so I don't get why you'd want to cut all those pretty strawberry blonde curls off that took so long to grow Sad

z3girl's picture


My mom cut my hair short when I was 5 (and I never wanted short hair when I was young), and I was teased that I looked like a boy when I went to kindergarten.

girlmeetsworld714's picture

Her hair is really not long at all; she was bald up until about 2 years old so it's just a little past her ears/almost to her shoulders already.

simifan's picture

Half the time a three year old can't decide whether they have to use the bathroom or not. Why would you empower such a young child

Spunfun's picture

Let the kid do as they please. Too many people are raised to conform to society and they never develop the confidence to the be individuals.

Spunfun's picture

Let the kid do as they please. Too many people are raised to conform to society and they never develop the confidence to the be individuals.

Spunfun's picture

Let the kid do as they please. Too many people are raised to conform to society and they never develop the confidence to the be individuals.

bellladonna's picture

Get her a tangle teaser comb from Sally's. It works WONDERS on curly hair. She's 3, my DD is 3 and she wants to do all kinds of stuff. They go through these phases. Hopefully it won't last too long.

girlmeetsworld714's picture

Well OP here, BM went and cut it tonight. It looks HORRIBLE. I mean the kid already looks EXACTLY like SO so now there's no way to tell she's a girl. But knowing BM, she's going to get super offended when people ask her how old her son is and go off on some rampage about raising a "free spirit" (is that bad mom code for "brat"?). I just know this girl is going to want pigtails like next week when big sister gets them and then get super mad because she doesn't have the hair to do it. Thanks for all your opinions, everyone.

twoviewpoints's picture

So how short did the hair get cut? I'm really hoping just short and not shaved :O :O

Now it's up to Dad and you to be sure not to over react and get all 'OMG' over it. It's done. Can't be instantly fixed and you'll make it worse for the little one if everyone makes her feel bad or 'not pretty' over her hair. If it's not too buzz like boy short you can still perhaps put little bows/ribbons/girly hairclips in it. Dress her in lots of girl pink and pastels maybe even matching 'cool' hats. My DD went to school with a little girl who had her hair fall out due to medical treatments. Even bald this child was very pretty and looked adorable with headwear accessories one would have called her a boy by mistake. Work with what you have, you can't change what's been done but you can now try to make the best of it.

girlmeetsworld714's picture

Thankfully it wasn't shaved; but it is definitely "boy short" like to the point that her curls are totally gone and it could easily be spiked.

You're right; we can't overreact, even though we all know BM would if SO did this without her permission. I'm bummed that her gorgeous strawberry blonde curls are gone now, but it is what it is. I hope she'll let us put in clips and bows; SD5 went through a stage at 3 where we weren't allowed to touch her hair. SD3 looks like SO to a T except she has inherited her mother's GIANT head so this hair cut just makes it look even bigger. I feel so shallow being upset about a haircut but I just think it's so stupid to let your 3 year "choose" this because I KNOW she isn't going to want it short when SD5 has her long hair braided and put into buns. Just seriously bummed and angry at BM tonight Sad