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Birds and the bees

SisterNeko's picture

How much info is too much info for an 8 yr old boy?

DH and I have been trying to get pregant since our wedding this past fall and have been honest with ss8 about our desire to have a baby and we have even taken steps to prepare for a baby. But it hasn't happened yet and ss8 is staring to wonder where the baby is and when to expect it.

Oddly enough most of these questions are ask to me when DH is not around and I have always tried to be honest with him but not too honest.

He knows that babies grow in mommy's belly and that it takes 9 months because BIL just had a baby not too long ago. He has made comments about how gross it is that other animals 'poo' out their babies but when asked how he thinks human babies get out on mommy he said the belly button. Which I guess in some cases is correct. Dispite me telling him twice now that I am not pregnant he is still expecting a baby this summer, 9 months after our wedding.

I have told him that there is more to having a baby than just getting married and not to expect a baby this summer. I said I would tell him when I was pregnant to which he asked what pregnant meant. I explained that is what you call a woman with a baby in her belly.

Then today I was yelling at our male kitten and said that I could not wait until he gets neutered. Which. I had to explain the ss8 how it's a surgery so kitten does have babies to which he responded. "Boys can have babies?" I just said that it take a boy and a girl to have a baby, which completely shatters everything BM has ever told him about all that she has done for him and how unimportant daddy's are. Lol


Starla's picture

Sounds like a smart kid who does not understand how it works..IMO. I would suggest that you have DH clear it up or bring SS to some doctor appointments where they can explain it to him. By doing it that way, you are not giving the BM room to put false ideas into his head. Any which way, best of luck to you all.

Anywho78's picture

If I were you, I'd pick up the book "Boy's Guide to Becoming a Teen" by the American Medical Association. Hand it to your DH after telling him about all of your SS's questions...that way, your DH can handle it as he sees fit. Your DH needs to have a chat with your SS about this stuff though & the book will remove A LOT of the questions that your SS seems to have.

I got my SS10 this book when I got my SD9 one for girls. He probably could have used it a little earlier but eh, it's okay.

RandomOne's picture

my SS, 7 at the time, randomly told me he had a secret, and i said ok - well, its only a secret if you don't tell anyone (i was afraid it was going to be something about his mom and didn't want to know). he went ahead and told me, it turns out his secret was that he knew about s.e.x. A little awkward when your sitting in a wal-mart parking lot waiting for your man to come out.... apparently his relatives he lives with told him all the details. i was glad we didn't have to tell him, but i would rather have had a doctor tell him (like Starla suggested)..but yes, this is something his dad should address and not you. good luck!

mommyof1girl1boyangel's picture

i told dd that when a mom and dad fall in love, they get married and do something special only a mom and dad should do and God puts a baby in mommy's belly. well that satisified her curiousity until i married a man that was fixed. so she asked again, her curiousity was no longer satisfied. i got a book for her level that explained it all. then explained what a vasectomy was (without the terms).

and to get a GOOD image of how a baby is born i found a youtube digital video that i was ok with her seeing.

she was 5 when when we talked about the something special. 7 when she asked further and knew the ins and outs.

SisterNeko's picture

Agreed, I will have a talk to DH about getting ready to explain it a little better to SS8 when we do get pregnant.

HungryEyes's picture

If I say the word "girl" to my 9 year old, he blushes 10 shades of red and hides. So I haven't brought it up. He knows stranger danger and his private parts are private.

BSgoinon's picture

Well, BM TOLD SS how babies are made, and where they come out of when he was 7. He went through a "girls are disgusting phase" for some time after that.

I would let DH address it. That's a father son conversation for sure!

ozmommie's picture

We got SD7 a book called "It's not the stork" it was age appropriate and didn't "Disney" it up at all. It helped explain everything to her throughout our pregnancy.