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The life according to BM

SisterNeko's picture

It apparently makes very little sense to everyone else and Daddy's aren't important in creating life.

I am sure most SM's deal with the stupid and random comments/statements that SKids make about life knowing that they probably heard it from BM. But what do you do? Do you correct them or just roll your eyes and walk away?

I ask because lately SS8 has been making a lot of odd comments about babies. I get that he is 8 and I am not saying that he needs 'the talk' just yet. But DH and I are currently trying to have a baby and I have always been an honest person, not saying he needs details but i get the feeling that BM has told him that Mommy's do all the work and Daddy's aren't important in the process.

It started when he over heard me tell DH on the phone that we had to get our kitten fixed so he couldn't have babies. He looked at me confused and said "boys can have babies?" I told him that it takes a boy and a girl to have a baby.

a few days later he asked me when our female cat was going to have kittens and I told him that she can't, she had surgery so she can't have babies because I didn't want kittens. Out of no where he blurts out that BM 'ran out of parts to make babies and that is why she didn't have any more". I was like "what?" I told him that I thought BM had surgery too a lot of women do when they are done having kids, I used the Grandma's as examples. He asked if BM just wanted 2 kids and I said 'I guess so". I know I shouldn't have said anything but that is the dumbest thing I have ever heard.

Now we have been trying for a baby for while so I have explained that some times it takes time and that "Daddy hasn't put a baby in my belly yet." When ask how he does that I said it was like Magic and some day DH will tell him how the magic works. Smile That to me makes more sense that BM running out of baby parts.

I am just a little worried that his tainted view will affect his experiences once I get pregnant (he already loves to rub my belly and tries to touch or bury his face in my chest which BM allows him to do to her - gag - i tell him to knock it off) and with the new baby since I know that I want to do some things differently than BM did and DH is a very involved father or at least he tries to be with the sKids.


NonEvilStepmom's picture

I wish my Skid's BM would get sterilized. She doesn't need to pass her idiot genes onto anybody else.

BSgoinon's picture

Like her uterus is some storage facility for baby parts. That is just a weird thing for her to say.

ltman's picture

Not necessarily weird if she's menopausal. But why all the obfuscation? 8's not to young to know the basics.

BSgoinon's picture

Never thought about menopause.... but that's not "baby parts" that's the ability to help create them. She doesn't store little tiny feet and hands in her stomach and then manufacture a child when she is ready to have one.