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Another Ultimatum

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I am becming the Queen of Ultimatums because, dammit, that's the only way I can get anything done around here.

SD24 was kicked out two months ago now for bad behavior (see earlier posts), and it's clear that she wants her sticky fingers to remain in our family and home life. For starters, she has not filed a change-of-address with the USPS, because picking up her mail is another excuse for her to drop by. I told DH that he had one week to either get her to fill out the form, or do it himself. If it wasn't done, I'd get rid of the mail.

DH said the word "NO" !!

Sarah101's picture

I can't believe it! Yesterday my loving, enabling, sweet DH said "NO" to his adult daughter (18). I am still reeling from the shock of it all...

SD(18) had made cookies the night before and, of course, left all the dirty bowls utensils, and trash out for somebody else to clean up the next morning. I went to DH and told him that he's in charge--either he tells SD(18) to clean up her mess, or he cleans it up himself. I'm not touching it. Apparently he woke her up and told her to clean up her mess. She did, but only partially, saying "I'll only clean MY dishes."

So I emailed my husband the letter

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I was out of town and not able to give him a card or have a conversation. Actually, I didn't want to speak with him because I was plain sick of him, so being out of town for work was a blessing.

He wrote back. "The list you provided is accurate in describing my adult kids. And I'm disappointed in them to be sure but nothing - I repeat - nothing can stop me from loving them. I will no longer enable them; I can promise you that. But I will never stop loving them."

Dear Husband,

Sarah101's picture

Dear Husband,

This morning you left the house without saying goodbye, obviously very angry at me. Your daughter (18) had left all her Burger King bags and trash spread around on the table last night, and this morning I asked you to clean up after her so the rest of us could use the table.

Let my DH have it!

Sarah101's picture

So last night I let my DH have it--a piece of my mind, that is.

We recently kicked SD(24)out of our home because her rude behavior toward me had steadily escalated and began to border on psychotic. To make a long story short, she did her best to publicly humiliate me, turn my DHs family against both of me, and destory my marriage. If she had any position in life at all (other than a leech), I could have sued her for slander--it got that bad. In the end she failed miserably on all counts and outed herself to everyone as the manipulative bitch she is, but the damage is done.
