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What is wrong with the world???

Rosedeer1's picture

BM called to let SS know that her sister had the baby and she is going to drive him an hour tom. to see the baby for an hour and then drive him home an hour because tom. she only gets her son for 3 hours on wed. and instead of waiting for the weekend, which is her weekend for him to see the baby, he is 5 and does not even like babies, she is going to drive for 2 out of her 3 hours with her son who she has not seen in 6 days.Plus she gets him thurs. nights during the summer on her weekends so he gets to drive another hour on thurs. night to her new hour an hour away and then drive an hour on sunday when she brings him home, wow sounds fun to a five year old, I thought parents were suppose to care about "there" child. I know she wants him to see the baby but could not it wait one more day instead of making him ride in a car for 2 out of the 3 hours he will see her tom.? I just can not understand anything she does!!! I hope her sister having a baby makes BM feel like the loser she is, she is 30, moving again for the 7th time in under 4 years and I have no idea how many jobs, she wants another kid, but has no man and rents a one BR apartment an hour away from her only child, she claims to have no money for CS but has no problem blowing it when she wants to do something, whatever, will I EVER get over feeling this way, I want my own baby and we are trying will having my own make me a better step- mom and foster mom and forget about what his ex is doing. I am a great mom dont get me wrong but I wonder if having one of my own will give me a softer side??


Sia's picture

she sounds like a repeat of our BM.....psycho!!! POOR KID!!!!

StepG's picture

that all the time. All I have ever had is SS and I think that most things BM does are stupid and I have decided that I think they are stupid because SS thinks BM is GREAT and I know what she is really like. If she were the mom she should be I would not think all things she does were stupid...make sense? It is like she is trying to be SuperMom when I know all she cares about is what she wants.

We are pregnant due in January! I am very excited and wonder how my ways of mothering and thoughts about it all will change. I love me SS but I know I will love my own different. Will I be more at ease with the way he loves his mom so much even though he knows she is crazy? I never had relationship with my mom so I do not know that bond btw mother and child. Will it piss me off more the way BM does SS when I know what it is like to love a child of my own? I do not know...I wonder all the time.

StepG's picture

I know you don't care to hear this but H and I have found that some of your best times with SS have been in the car going down the road. There is no TV or toys to distract SS and we all talk and laugh and cut up. Even when he was young at age 5.

I guess we should just be glad that they want to be with their kids when they are suppose to.