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Rosedeer1's picture

My SS told me about his moms new apartment the other day when he was talking about his aunts new apartment. My SS told me his aunts new apartment is a castle, SS is 5, I am assuming that it is bigger than his moms new apartment. Then he told me that you have to put your head next to the door to talk on the phone or there is no service and that he lives in the basement with people who live upstairs. That they have 2 couches in the living room and his bed, but he sleeps with mommy,STILL, He also went on to say that their cat is at the old house because mommy said it can not come to the apartment,remeber she moved an hour away so I wonder who is feeding the cat when she does not have visitation with her son. Then SS told me the best part, he told me that at mommys new apartment they have a small oven and no sink in the kitchen that mommy does the dishes in the bathtub, SO I think I have gotten all I am going to get in the satisfaction department, I mean she is doing dishes in a tub and has no cell service in her basement apartment and no home phone, I would guess she is hating it, I just can not seem to figure out why she moved an hour away to a place with no sink when she could have gotten a better apartment where we live for the same price and SS told me they drive to grandmas to do laundry, which is also an hour away from her new apartment, SO I guess I can assume that she is not liking her new living arrangements, but she moved an hour away from her son to be closer to the few friends she has that live in the town she moved to. She took a job that is more hours and less pay, and still a 20 minute drive from her new place to her work and her apartment is an hour away from her sons house, his school, his soccer games, just last week she drove where we live for visitation and soccer 5 days out of the week, so what she thought she would save on gas and electric in the new apartment she must be spending in gas alone, I am not sure why she moved but it did put a smile on my face to think of her taking a shower and doing the dishes while I go cash her support check and put my dishes in my dishwasher and tuck her son in his own bedroom in our new house that we built!!! I guess if you wait long enough Karama works and she is getting what she deserves, just a little info before you feel bad for her, she threatened to kill me and then broke an order of protection then called DSS and tried to get our foster daughter taken from us. SO I would say she made her bed and now she is lying in it!!!! I feel so much better after venting on steptalk, this site has really helped my marriage and my sanity!!!! THANKS:)


stepmom2one's picture

I feel badly that your son needs to stay in this enviroment when he visits her. I don't think she should be keeping him overnight, could that be adjusted in court? Her living arrangements are not suitable for herself let alone a child.

But I agree she is getting a little karma dropped into her lap, isn't she.

Insta-Mom's picture

Child services might not be too happy to hear that her apartment doesn't have a functional kitchen and that SS has to sleep with Mommy... Just a thought.

LotusFlower's picture

Kids do not need both parents when one of them is a bad parent....this is how it all started with my BM...this "trailer trash" type of living attracted the alcoholic, drug addicted men that eventually attempted to abuse skids.....IMO, when a child is living in these conditions, there is nothing good that can come from it..I have seen it....getting 24/7 custody is a lot of work, but when we know a child is in potential danger (hopefully yur SS is not)...I think we have a responsibility to I said Rose, this was the beginning of the end for us when BM started living like this....I would just watch SS's behavior...if he becomes more and more withdrawn u know it is getting worse....once the extension cord is running from another apartment for lights, u know its over. As far as karma and the BM....she is definately reaping what she sowed....and I believe that is how life is supposed to work.... Smile

"You can catch more flies with honey than you can with vinegar"

imagr8tma's picture

I really don't think it is a good thing she does not have a functioning kitchen in her apartment.

I would have to really think hard and long on not making the court or Children Services aware of those living conditions.

Why would she choose to live there if she didn't absolutely have to.


WowjustWow's picture

I would definitely call DSS on her. I think a functioning kitchen has to be there as part of standard living codes. There are some things like electricity, heat and water that need to be there for someone to live there. That place does not sound like it should be being rented as an "apartment"

As long as you have no qualms about pissing off BM, I would call them on it. SS does not deserve to live like that.

Rosedeer1's picture

Well I love your comments I thought someone would be mad at me for being so happy about her living arrangements. I just want you all to know he only sees her 5 times a month, we have custody, so I do not think DSS would care because she does have running water, I have seen people with less still have there kids, not to mention I like her living like that. I like thinking of her washing the dishes while showering and I like her driving an hour to do her laundry, all of this makes me happy. Please keep the comments coming!!!

stepmom2one's picture

Your not a bad person for feeling that way. She has put you thru the ringer, of course you have ill feelings toward her.

I guess she won't be all smiles in her Myspace pics anymore, huh.

april_14870's picture

I would not feel bad, I could only wish for that to happen with my Skids BM. She pulls the whole Myspace crap and posts horrible lies everytime she and her children do not get their way in my house. Unfortunatly, she has placement, and quit sending the kids to counseling so we no longer have any mediation for her behavior and her need to make the skids hate us. I keep praying that someday she will get hers....and then I pray for god to forgive me for all the bad thoughts I have in my head.LOL Just don't get overwhelmed with the hate, because its the hate that breeds ppl like some of these BMs. Be thankful and humble. Trust me I know its hard.

Rosedeer1's picture

Thankful and humble have been hard to come by but I am working on it, Thanks