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Calling out Bms name!!!!!

ravennakool's picture

Dh and I have the house to ourselfs and we decided to get frisky. The passion was strong and the heat was high. After we finished, he brushed the hair off my face and said "Bm you're so amazing". He swore that it didn't mean anything and has no feeling for Bm at all. I was ready for another go but the mood was completely ruined. What's worst is that her name and mine don't aren't similar at all. So he had to be thinking for her DURING and AFTER. 

I did catch him checking her out at Wal-Mart last month after she had her "glow up"

There are no words in any langauge to describe how I'm feeling right now........




thiscantbenormal's picture

For how I'm feeling about DH right now that would be final nail in the coffin for me.

ravennakool's picture

Apart of me wants to go upstairs and yell "It's over" but I need some space from him for a bit.

I was about to kick him where it hurts at that very moment

Annoyed1's picture

My ex did this to me all. The. Time!!!! It drove me crazy! He was mostly absent minded about it I think. We were together 12 years and I don’t think he held a torch for her anymore. He never did it during sex though. I feel your frustration. Let him know how you feel. Truly feel. Hurt, mad, sad. Your feelings are valid and he needs to understand how it affected you. 

ravennakool's picture

Hurt, mad, sad, and DIRTY.  I feel so dirty right now and I shouldn't. I should be feeling loved after sex but I feel dirty

Annoyed1's picture

Go get a hotel room and pamper yourself. You did nothing wrong. He did and he needs to know so it doesn’t happen again. Put your foot down now before it becomes the norm like it did for me. 

ravennakool's picture

I'm searching for one as we speak. I do feel like a need a lot of pamering right now. 


Survivingstephell's picture

Is he coming down with dementia or opiod abuse???  W  T  F!!   I'm so sorry he did that to you.  

ravennakool's picture

Honestly if he's coming down with something, he NEEDS to get it addressed. If he's on something he NEEDS to sort it out. Whatever the case, he NEEDS to figure out his s*it

advice.only2's picture

So my non existent couch pscyshology says he’s back with BM and cheating on you.

My response would have been “oh sh@t DH is that you?  The last time I was screwed deaf dumb and blind was with Eduardo in guess you got lucky this time!”

ravennakool's picture

“oh sh@t DH is that you?  The last time I was screwed deaf dumb and blind was with Eduardo in guess you got lucky this time!”

Thank you for that! I really needed a good laugh


Wilhelm's picture

I say maybe just a slip of the tongue. I am getting older and occasionally refer to DH by my dearly departed’s name. Nothing sinister implied.

ndc's picture

As much as I'd like to think I'd be the bigger person and believe what he said, I know that if SO called out BM's name he would have no reason to be calling out any names for a loooong time.  I can't even imagine how hurt and upset you must be.  Men are idiots.  OK, not all men, but too many of them, and your DH is in the idiot category right now.

Monkeysee's picture

DH called me BM’s name once, but we were out somewhere they used to frequent & he ran into an old friend. He introduced me as BM & I very quickly said ‘actually I’m Monkeysee but it’s nice to meet you’. I was pissed, but we hadn’t been together long & circumstances made it more understandable.

This though? In BED?!?!? Agree with everyone above, check yourself into a nice hotel - on his dime - and rack up room service. What an A$$!

Ugh, I’d never want to be in bed with DH again if he called me that wankers name like that. Just no.

Trust your gut on this as well, if you thought he was checking her out a while ago, is it possible something is going on?? 

elkclan's picture

Oooh I'd be hopping mad. But this has never happened to me. 

My YSS - at the beginning - sometimes called me by my partner's ex-girlfriend's name. But whatever... I call him by my son's name (especially when I'm telling him off!). It doesn't help that BS and YSS actually do have the same name. 

Cooooookies's picture

My exH did this to his current fiancee.  At the time, I wasn't even talking to him, hadn't been for about 2 years.  Had him blocked from everything and thought I'd never talk to him again.  So it wasn't cheating or any other inappropriate behavior from either one of us.  I hadn't even spoken to him for several years.

It was guilt on his part.  He hates all he'd done to me and carries the weight on his shoulders.  We've never discussed it as it's his issue and his fiancee understood but it must've stung like heck.

My point is it's not always sexual or wanting.  Does he feel guilty/remorse/angry/etc?  It's not always sexual wanting that makes guys do this.

tog redux's picture

If it was just a random slip of the tongue, it wouldn't bother me  - during sex, that's another matter.

ESMOD's picture

My DH has called me by his Ex's name a couple of times.. when he was super angry at me for  He said that I reminded him of her in THOSE moments... haha

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

Sooo... If I was in your shoes. DH would find himself single real quick. Of course we have other issues right now we're going thorugh, but that would be it. No more chances, no working through it. The SECOND he said BM's name like that it would be done. Even if he insists it means nothing, deep down I would wonder if subconciously it did to him. And I couldn't live like that.

justmakingthebest's picture

I can't even imagine how angry I would be. I don't have any advice. I like the idea of getting away for a couple of days. However, I don't think this is divorce worthy and I also don't think that this means he is cheating. He does need to be made fully aware of the hurt this casued though.

still learning's picture

He's obviously fantasizing about her and can't control himself. What a pig!  

sunshinex's picture

Oh no. I'm so sorry.

During sex, this would be a HUGE problem for me. 

DH and I have both slipped up and called eachother our ex's names a couple times throughout our relationship, but only when we're in a huge fight. We both fought with our ex's A LOT so when it happened, we knew it was out of habit from yelling at said ex lol. During sex though, that's scary. 

I don't think it's divorce worthy or a sign that he's cheating either, but I would absolutely assume he's not over BM - especially if you caught him checking her out. I would have a serious talk with him about what he wants, or better yet, who he wants. Because if he's still hung up on his ex, that's not any good for the relationship you two have together. 

Dovina's picture

I would like to say this was just a slip of his tongue...but then I read your post from December.

My concern is he still has feelings for her, and worst case after running into her at Walmart he started thinking about her, or worse has been in contact that has nothing to do with their kids. 

Has there been any other signs? Has he been distant from you, hides his phone or email, out more often? 

You really need to ask him WTH is going on.