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And then the Police showed up...

rainbow bright83's picture

Prior to this event sd14 has decided to accuse a teenage boy of pushing her down, telling sd14 he wished she was dead, threatened to rip her clothes off, and now this boy has allegedly grabbed her breast. She states that her and she cousin went to this boys house when they told family they were walking to a movie store. The cousin denies ever walking to this boys house. The teen boy denies that the girls were ever at his house.
My DH was aware of this situation and had tried to find out if it really did happen (SD14 likes to lie... a LOT.)

Fast forward to yesterday, and I was visiting the in laws, and there strolls up to the house a police officer. He asks to talk to the cousin, and then the mother, then the grandparents as the are guardians of the cousin.

Well, not only did sd14 report the teenage boy thing to her school counselor (which i have no problem with, if this did really happen I'm glad that the police are investigating it) BUT sd14 then reported that the cousin doesn't live with her parents, just a bunch of people in a house.

So the police were there also to figure out the living situation for the cousin, as their information was that she was dumped at this house and it was just full of people.

Well, we will see how this plays out since this weekend is the weekend sd14 is to come and was to stay the night at the in laws (but not now due to this)


rainbow bright83's picture

I just started laughing at that. She made it sound like she was dropped off with strangers.
I mean, geez really? I dont know. I know this girl is a compulsive liar. And i mean big time. So its so hard to have her around.