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queenofthedamned's picture

I have really been struggling lately. Skid1 is tough to deal with, and knowing that I'll never be a mom has been tough to deal with. I was sooo dreading this skid weekend and mother's day.

All in all though we had a great weekend. Took the kids to volunteer for a local animal charity yesterday (we're all huge animal lovers) and the skids made us so proud. They worked their little asses off and had the whole volunteer crew laughing to boot. Then today FDH took them to his mom's and then the zoo to give me some me time. They came home with a beautiful bouquet in a gorgeous vase, and FDH was so sweet he made me cry. He told me he is so thankful I'm in their lives and that he appreciates that I do all the mom things for his boys by choice. So nice to hear.

I really love that man, and am very hopeful for our future, skid issues or not, because he's my best friend and he gets it. I can't wait to marry him.

Happiest I've been in a while.


queenofthedamned's picture

Thank mom told me today to hang onto him because he's a great dude. Too bad he's got a vasectomy lol