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I'm done! I cant win! Nothing to do about SD this time just a rant!

Patsy's picture

So my sister informs me that my niece is due for another baby April 3rd!!!!!!!!!!! :jawdrop: She doesn't know who the dad is! I want to strangle her I have custody of her 2 kids now and she think she can just go drop another baby? I go on her FB and her profile is of her in a fucking bikini with a huge belly. I guess that is why she has been asking me for money! Can't work at a strip club that pregnant! She makes me sick! I just can't win. If she can't get her shit together for these two what makes her think she can do it for this one! I am going to have a nervous breakdown. :sick: I have never ever felt so out of control as I am now. There is nothing anyone can say to take my frustration away. I give up. What is wrong with people? Oh I am so over all this crap. Really this can NOT be MY life! I am sorry but I am related to some real trash. Another kid I thought would never turn out like this! Here I was just saying I am going to give this board a break to attend to my piles of work! My house is upside down. I have no idea what is in our checking account. I want to crawl in a hole. This year is already getting old. I am done done done! It's like a fricking jerry springer show. If I didn't know better I would be sure I was stuck in some sick lifetime movie! Really why didn't they tye her tubes after the second one. She is one mother who if I were to compare to BM - BM would look like a saint. She better not think I am taking this one on! I love my great nieces and they can stay with me for the rest of my life as far as I am concerned, but this is not fair! I will not take on another one. She probably needs a fucking welfare check. I hope she does just so she has more concern for this one. She hasn't been able to pass a piss test for more than 30 days at a time! So let me get this straight she can't pass a piss test, but hey allow her to have a kid? I'm sorry but that is just wrong. Lock her ass up and tell her to get her shit together. We can go to war, but we can't make a pregnant woman go to rehab! This is seriously fucked up! I am not a holy roller but the saying the Lord will not give you anything you can't handle better be true because the Lord knows I can't handle another one! Oh how do I face my Dh with this news? He has taken on so much I am sure he is going to rant and rave about this one. WHY NOW? Could they have waited until she had it to tell me. They waited this long why not. Ok I am done really done now.


omgsaveme's picture

First you are a saint for taking those kids on….. second, I see it time and time again. I knew a lady who had 3 kids by 3 different guys and left them with 3 different relatives, then she got pregnant with her 4th and that was all she wrote. I say have as many kids as you'd like if you are going to take care of them but if you can't….then don't.

Harleygurl's picture