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Pantera's Blog


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SS10 stole things out of my packed boxes after he got in trouble not even a week ago for stealing money from DH's wallet. NICE, this kid really learned his lesson (he had to go to bed early 2 nights in a row).

He stole a Wii game and some home decor. I found the Wii game in his room and the decor broken on the living room floor.

It feels good to write this stuff out because its making me realize I am making the right decision.


Pantera's picture

Can somebody tell me? What punishments should happen for the following for a 10 year old boy?

-taking a razor to the bathroom wall
-stealing (money, jewelry, anything)
-stabbing the bathroom sink
-lying (everything out of his mouth is a lie)
-watching porn
-spitting in your SO's hairbrush
-smearing toothpaste all over the bathroom walls

I could go on and on, but seriously...How would you punish for these?

Just wanted some insight.

DH and After I Move Out

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I brought up to DH the "dating" scenario. I move out and we can start over and "date". It was a no go. So I guess I know for sure that Im doing the right thing. He said that as a married couple we should be fixing our problems under one roof. I asked him since when has he treated me like a wife? There is alot of game playing on his part. This all really sucks. 1 more week!!!

SS is Definitely Showing His True Colors

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I kind of feel sorry for DH that the wool has been pulled over his eyes for so long. I feel sorry that he chose to think that I was a bitch and picking on his son. I feel sorry that SS will probably not become a decent member of society when he gets older. It all could have been avoided if DH and BM actually parented. It could have been avoided if DH would have listened to me.

NOW DH wants to work things out.

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I have a labradoodle that is my baby (I dont have any kids). He is a weak spot for me because I do treat him like a child. When I got him groomed the last time, they had to shave his face because there were too many mats. So my nickname poodleface was accurate because once they cut all of his face hair off, he looks just like a poodle. Anyway, Today DH comes home and gives me a card and a welcome sign with a black poodle on it (that looks exactly like our dog). I couldnt even get through the card before I started crying and left the room. DH followed me and held me while I cried.

This is How CoParenting Works in My House

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A couple of weeks ago, SS10 charged $267 worth of porn to DH's work cell phone that SS was using as an alarm in his room (previous blog). Last night after DH talks to SS10 about talking about BM so much, asks SS why he still has a Facebook page (we had already gotten rid of one). BM made him one. NICE. I am not going to go there on why a 10 year old shouldn't have a Facebook, I already know why and it isn't my problem. Anyway, SS goes on to tell DH about what he posted on his page all weekend.

SS's "Obsession" with BM

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Before DH and I decided to separate, one of our major differences was that I thought SS10 was overly obsessed with BM. He would literally sit in his room for an hour and stare at a pic of him and BM. I thought that was a bit much so I would always ask him if he wanted to do something else (not mentioning the picture of course). Or we would be sitting there and SS10 would get in a daze staring at me with this really weird stare and start talking about BM but stay in the stare (don't know how to explain it but it was weird).

When SS was 7

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I remember one time when DH and BM had joint custody and we only had SS on the weekends, we met BM and her BF at the drop off spot. SS was 7 at the time. He got in his Mom's car and we were backing out and DH looked over and was like "what is going on"? DH rolled down the window and SS was spazzing out trying to get out of BM's car and he got the door open finally and stood up and yelled "I Love You Pantera!!!". I just smiled and waved, DH had just moved in together a few months before so it was out of no where. What happened to THAT kid? We all were so happy then.

Up and Down

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DH who has wanted to blame me for everything basically admitted that he knew what his son was doing. DH said "if you leave, SS will win and Im afraid he will do this again to someone else" DING DING DING, bells must have went off in his head finally!!! I looked at him and said "if he is going to do this to someone else, how is everything MY fault?" He couldn't answer me. I think DH finally realizes and I hope things change, I just won't be here to enjoy those changes.
