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Same ole' expected story for the Holiday break.

overit2's picture

Well oh well lol-i called bf earlier to see what the holiday surprise would be this time Smile HA!

He goes on to tell me that SD didn't go to school on her last day because they were just having parties...and that BM was off from work..but instead of spending a day off w/her kid which she never ever EVER flippin does...she decides to roll sd to bf's parents bright and early 10am-of course with no notice to bf except a call from his parents after the fact Smile

Then he ASKS sd if she's staying all week, she says yeah, i'm staying this week here and next week with mom (YEAH RIGHT WANNA BET THAT CHANGES??)-he says well with ur mom being off how come you didn't spend the day w/her and have me pick you up at usual time? Oh, well it's boring there. YEAH RIGHT_more like BM said this is what you're doing..I'm staring my week free EARLY-god forbid I do something Christmasy w/my own damn kid. UGHHHH

I started to vent back, i started to question why he didn't confront his ex, or stand up to her and demand they both agree previously to what affects his schedule-that it was ridiculous that bm and sd have SOLE decision making when it comes to HIS and HIS PARENTS visitation. He goes on to say "well I've done that in the past and then bm just goes on to tell sd 'dad doesn't want to spend time wiht you or see you' and then i or my parents get the crying phone call from sd. BOOFUCKINGHOO! I said she talks shit about you ANYWAY, you know this-what's the difference, and if she does that shit thats on her...if it hurts sd it does-you can just explain to her when you talk-that NO mom doesn't make decisions on her own that affects his or his parents schedules, that it's not about not wanting to spend time with her but that you guys have a life, and plans and work, and these things have to be PRE-AGREED TO before hand and once you work a schedule out they will tell her...BUT OH NOOOOOOOOOO.....that would be common sense!

BLAH BLAH-so I cut him short saying look, as always, handle it like you want, this is never going to change, i'm done discussing or having an opinion on it-i'm out of it.

It's just I expected this AGAIN lol-it's like clockwork everytime, SAME conversation w/him, SAME frustration, SAME bm and sd calling the shots.

Good thing is I've disengaged Smile and she hasn't been to my house in a while and it's been glorious-he sucked me in the other day to talk about her DAMN's tough. He knows i'm babysitting tonight..he already hinted at 'maybe this wknd we can cook this lasagna huh' (meaning lets give it a shot at sd coming by and see how she does w/the boys.

RRRRIGHHHHHT----then this week I'm working a few days-the others I'm working from it should be easy enough for me to say no SD visits Smile ONLY if he wants to show up later that's fine, or we can go on dates. NOPE dumb ass-the consequence of you NOT standing up to BM or your parents and demanding an AGREED UPON schedule/days/etc...then dont' expect me to EVER take on one of those non-agreed to days in MY home-especially since I've disengaged and he knows this and understands it clearly.

Just venting-i think it's funny that 3 yrs almost and same ole shit...i feel good about doing my own damn thing-nobody consults me, he doesn't demand they consult him, but then we are expected to put up w/her unruly bully house eating ass...WEELLL at least it's on him and his parents to handle the next 2 weeks or so-because seriuosly-like bm is going to take her the following week LOL -MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!!


the_stepmonster's picture

Wow, I wonder if we have the same BM. Wants custody for the good ole' CS check, but doesn't want to spend time with the kid! It makes me sick how these women call themselves mothers. It makes me even more sick that our men were once stupid enough to run right into their spread legs and now they are too scared to stand up to them. Good for you for disengaging.

Doubletakex3's picture

"I thought having kids would make her a better person.". Seriously....THAT has to be one of the dumbest things I've ever heard.