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The Descendants-spousal status

overit2's picture

I knew once i saw previews of him having two daughters i may roll my eyes at the movie lol.

Has anyone seen it? Overall it's a touching film w/out TOO much tears and some funny parts thrown in.

I couldn't help but wonder -and ALMOST said out loud-I pity the fool that marrys that man after the wife dies lol.

I could just envision the pain and anguish she would endure.

BEcause of the situation of the odler daughter telling him about comatose moms affair-he immediately turns to her for comfort and her as a confidant/partner with him.

he has the full friend approach to parenting-the girls disrespect him fully and cuss and he even says 'have no respect for authority'. The older daughter walked close, sat close, was his 'support' system-he felt guilty because he worked to hard before and barely had a relationship w/the girls.

Not to mention the girl is almost naked in a itty bitty bikini most of the movie next to her father. It truly grossed me out. I can't fathom walking around laying around in a skimpy bathing suit w/my dad-I would always cover up.

It was like watching a reel out of this board, except he hadn't re-married yet. UGHHH


oneoffour's picture

Well if I could look cute in a tiny bikini I would hang out with George Clooney as well.... as long as he wasn't my father. But then I am about 20 yrs too old for his cut off age for a girlfriend... and then I am married ... sigh!

But you are right. And it isn't limited to movies. TV shows show it all the time. Cheeky smart mouthed kids get the laughs and dumbdumb parents just sit there with a 'struck with a dead fish" look plastered over their faces. The kids behave like wannabe adults without the repsonsibilities of a job and bills and the parents are rolling over and reminding them all they are the ONLY thing they TRULY care about and live for and and and .... No kids get themselves into trouble with the police. And if they OMGosh! do they are given a nice little lecture by the local sherriff (aka Angy Griffiths grandson lookalike) and promise never ever to be so thoughtless again. No kid ends up in jail overnight. No kid is suspended from school. No kid is rewarded by an evil BM for messing with the stepmother. Maybe we need to write a new drama for TV consideration. "life on the Timewarp".