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overit2's picture


OH god, here we's almost wknd and drama time. Since the last conversation bf had w/bm on the phone she has not tried to pull the mid week, last minute stuff for a bit.

BUT she did again yesterday-apparently SD had some kind of math contest thing at school yesterday evening (after school)...

Bf did not know about it, nobody did. As usual she pulls her last minute stunts-calls his parents to say "BF needs to come take D to this math thing at school because I have to stay late at work".

Bf's dad calls him- bf was working and said NOPE..not happening. I wasn't ASKED in advance, I'm being TOLD again what to do w/no advance notice, I've already said I will NOT bend to her like that again. Hate it for D but I am done w/this crap.

Apparently because his parents are so weak about this issue-bf's dad decides to drive all the way there to take SD to this math thing (though the schools is right next to bm's house-she lives w/her mom now and grandma/stepgrandpa could have taken her if BM wasn't home).

He gest to the school-only 3 cars were there, mostly nobody showed up to this math thing. He took SD home-guess what? BM comes bf's dad was like, you were home and asked me to take her? Why ? I already told you (bf's name) couldn't make it and you were home and couldn't take her?

Her response *get this): Well I took her last year so I decided and think it was his turn to take her.

I'm NOT kidding..stupid bitch you have primary physical custody-of COURSE you will be doing most of the work for this stuff-I do, every damn day w/my signed up for it, you DO it. Plus...why couldn't you have notifed a week prior and ASKED HIM if he thought he might possibly like to take SD to this math thing.

I DECIDED he should do this...wth?? See...her biggest problem/downfall is that she wants to BULLY him into doing what she wants. DOes she not realize that if she was polite, inviting, not bullying and controlling he would likely WANT to do extra things w/his D.

He tells me all the time-damn if things were w/my ex like you and your ex handle it I'd always chose to do more things w/her.

She wants to DEMAND things be done her way, when she wants, with no notice, on demand, as she pleases or ELSE>

LUCKILY for me-bf doesn't care or fall for it-she doesn't get him to jump anymore...his parents are still learning. His mom is detaching somewhat. It sucks that everyone is having to detach from this little girl so much because her mom has forced everybody to resent the whole situation because of her approach.

I DECIDED>...whatever you idiot! You can't DECIDE for MY BF what he will do because YOU SAID SO? I don't THINK SO!


overit2's picture

It's coming-his mom is at the stage of telling herself to disengage before she can actually pull back..his dad can't yet.

And YES-we also get the arranging of time when she's w/bf...she has birthdays set up, this that the other...or wants her returned earlier on Sunday-she thinks she gets to dictate his life and what he will do w/the girl.

He's good about not returning early on Sunday...but he has taken her to a few of the bday parties lined up on his wknd...which I told him he should just STOP doing...sure the girl will pout but he's driving a point across about NOT doing what BM thinks he should do w/their time.

W/his folks-they are geting burnt out but will also turn around and vent at him about "why did you even meet and marry her...and I wish you never would have...and I can't believe we have to deal w/this because you won't"....and he just shrugs and says-one day you'll understand WHY I"m not bending to her every demand. She has controlled my life for years-no MORE...if you want to let her control yours by all's not phasing me and I'm not feeling guilt about it anymore.

Another example..when they split she left for a while and left the girl w/my bf-then shortly after moved herself her lesbian lover and the girl w/them about 4hrs away..w/out asking or notifying him..then he got a call one day sayign "we're moving back"...showed up the NEXT day and's the girl, since I had her the last 6 months I SAY you need to have her a month. Bam..gone.

Just like that. Torturous evil manipulative, controlling woman.