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Great..yet another "kids free" wknd that DIDN'T happen! GRRRRRRRRRR

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I'm honestly so sick of this shit! You know all because of his ex's stupid swap we were off schedule an entire friggin month...and now my ex needs a swap in a cpl we're back to no breaks again-maybe we can resume normalcy in January?

I love my kids-and he loves his-but damn it-we need a break and some time to ourselves!

Bad enough my ex's EOW consits of Sat 2pm till Sun 6pm....It's like his ex has been losing weight so her selfishness and maybe her esteem is better so she's going out all the time-but she's at an all time high of pawning her D off all the time-w/my bf, his parents-her parents, friends. It has REALLY picked up in the last couple of months. So yes she has the D for the CS $-but really never wanted or takes the full custody part. It's like 50/50..w/her 50 going 30pct to her other family/friends.

HIs D had a tournament this wknd so Sat afternoon we went to one game (right after mine left) ..we find out that the girl spent Friday night w/another set of gparents. Nice. Her mom was at that game and seemed fine. She told us Sundays game was in the afternoon. We find out at 830am the next day that it's at 9am !

WELL-this on the heels of a long night w/less then 5hrs sleep and a wicked hangover f'in great! lol AND it was the girls Bday. Her party is in a cpl wknds her moms doing it I guess and YES we're all invited (barf). And since she's spending all week this week at dads we figured we'd do something w/us and some neighbor kids. But supposedly she was spending Sunday w/her mom.

WELL...lo and behold-we get to the game bright and early-I'm feeling like dog shit and ready to pass out. Ex wasn't there!! Her dad was, saying my bf has to take her because her mom is in the hospital w/stomach problems-AGAIN...and may need surgery AGAIN. F'in GREAT...ok so I know it's her bday so you have to not be a bitch right??? Patience w/the monkey wrenches right? But I can vent about it right??

So after the game we took her to his folks and went and got her presents and went back to their place for lunch-her and i both ended up napping. I then went back to my home so I could have a couple hrs of peace before my kids came home. I went by the store to get dinner and cupcakes.

Evening was a nightmare...she bitched because it was supposed to be taco night (I forgot-I was shot out and supposed to enjoy one 24hr period w/your dad but your stupid ass mom always has some excuse...I hope her surgery was painful!)-and she didn't want to share the cupcakes...I got 6-she bitched about sharing the chocolate ones-my oldest didn't want one-she took the remaining 4 home...yep! She bitched and picked at my youngest-pouted about shit...after all it was HER bday, and SHE could do whatever she wants...she pouted being the worst bday party ever because my son was on the computer and didn't get up the exact second she said jump. At that point I sat my boys and myself down to eat dinner and let her dad deal w/her out of control drama pity party on his own-my son said something also about the chicken...I was like look guys I can't please everyone all the time, it's impossible-I really can totally stop trying though. Shut them all up for a bit. Oh my oldest son picked up his pouting and bitching later that evening also-always so lovely when they come back from dads. Ungrateful gremlins! The whole lot of them!

First of all dear SD your worst party ever comment-I'm not your mom...your MOM is the one throwing you a party, second we didn't know you would be here-our plan was to have a few neighbor friends over one day this week to celebrate with grill out and cake. Even though we had that monkey wrench and felt stressed because we haven't had a break in well over a month AND were exhausted..we adjusted because it was your bday and tried to make it a good day. I went out of my way to go get your gift and to your game on no sleep and to cook for you that evening and get cupcakes.

The upswing was that she was affectionate w/me when she wasn't bitching..and there WERE good moments...and I know my own kids can sound so ungrateful sometimes and it hurts your feelings-but damn it...can we not have one weekend?? HOw do our exe's get away w/doing nothing and not taking responsibility or always have excuses to wreck the schedules to benefit them?

Of course as you all know-when she's around I lay low on my affection w/the bf because she soaks him up like a sponge-AND me obviously she's lacking at home-I know this and I feel bad for feeling resentful this wknd. He asked me why I"m not paying him much attention-I explained. So then we finally get to sit down and watching our zombie series-she whines because i rewind MY tv to catch something I missed. OH..she had whined earlier because I didn't let her and my son watch the Grudge-sorry to violent, my house, my rules don't care who's bday it is.

I finally cuddle up w/him and go in for a good hug-and YEP---she shows up on the other side of him. So I get up and go do my own thing. SO yes...the things that happen to you guys w/the girls..happens here also. I think yesterday it was just SO more obvious how obnoxious she was being. I get was her bday-she didn't expect to come with us-she was probably worried about her mom being in the hospital-she had monkey wrenches thrown and acted out. Shoot obviously we adults acted out and I'm pouting about it now so I'm sure it's harder on a kid. I just wanted to scream. I should have just taken a flight and gone out of town damn it.

I don't think I'm answering my phone tonight if he calls.