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The Step Son the Step Son.....

ohlawddd's picture

Please help me to understand why a parent won't parent.....Help me to understand why my husband allowed his (17) year old son to pimp slap, yes I said pimp slap the asst. principal at the high school with no consequences to his actions.... He was facing jail time, however it pissed me off to find out that after 90 days of court apparences and a bail set at $3,000 facing a felony assault charge of a civil servant, the case is dismissed due to incompetency, his father being the safety net that he is interfered with the court appointed psychologist suggesting that his son had Asperbergers Austism ....WTH ever....This boy has never been diagnosed with no such thing.... I am tired and sick and tired ...of dealing with this bs......His attitude is bad, no drive/initiate is, he has to be told what to do all the time, he is very disrespectful not only to his father but to any adult, which I can't stand!!!! Granted we have only been married 7 months...I am past the statues in the State of Texas of an annulment.. Yes, I would consider this I feel like he lied about what his son was about...This bs just keep getting worse... I am desparately trying to deal with this at the same time tryin to raise the two children that I have, 10, 12. I have worked damn hard to set a solid foundation of respect and discipline for my kids for this little buffoon to come along and screw it up.

My ss has no friends, no one calls or comes by not even relatives, he stays at home always on the computor surfing the net or sucking up my air. And often at times his father his pushing his son down my throat for me to do things with him... To be honest I dont wont to talk to him or see him... I dont wont to have anything to do with him. And everytime I tried to give a chance this is what happens, see below:

we get him setup to take his SATS at a testing center. We drop him off at 7 30 am to take the test we get a phone call at 10 30 from the testing center telling us that the ss has been kicked out due not obeying the rule that you are t put your pencils down and STOP DO NOT precede to the next page until instructed... They warned him several times, but being hard head that he is he didnt listen so they kick him out....WTH Plesase help


No Name's picture

In my experiance this will not change, only get worse.  Protect yourself, your heart, your sanity and your children.  You may want to give the skid one last shot.  Google life skills, the things that your SS should know as he is stepping into adult hood.  Have a business type meeting with your SS and tell him that you would like to show him some life skills so that he is prepared for adulting.  I did this with my SS and was very surprised when he ageed.  I showed him little things like how to properly make a bed, how to do laundry, etc.  We actually had a turning point during this.  Now you have to understand that this kid was raised with no structure and no disipline from either parent.  He had this crazy sense of entitlement, he believed that no rules applied to him, he was disrespectful, he called names, he lied and he did not like me.  Things did not turn out good for me but at least I can say that I tried my best and when that did not work I had to disengage.