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bm punishment tactics for ss2...

ohiomom2twoandmorel8tr's picture

As you all know ss3 is now potty trained has been for a while but we are working on ss2, and its taking a bit longer, one because he's a little younger and since BM doesnt work with him it sets him back (and yes even though she doesnt get them for long it still has an affect)

With that being said, she called saturday while DH was working and asked if she could get the kids sunday, i told her DH and I would talk and one of us would call her back. DH got home we talked it over so we agreed she could see them. Well sunday i dropped them to her at 3pm and she kept them overnight until 7:45 this morn. because she had to work. Well she gives us ss3 said he was bad, because he had an accident at night (mind you he has been potty trained for literally 4 weeks and we are still working on the nightime thing) Is pissed over it and all mad about it, Then hands over ss2 and goes "he shit his pants so as punishment i made him sit in it for 2 hours"
ss2 butt is soo red and so broken out from it he cant sit on his butt without bawling his eyes out!! We called CPS today they told us to make a dr. appt to get it taken care of but their wasnt much else that they could do!! this making it the 3 time cps has blown it off!!! THATS BULLSHIT!! their are way to many stories in the news about little kids getting hurt or worse being killed because of CPS not looking into or giving a shit, and i will be damned if im gonna let that happen!! Sorry for all the cursing but im really pissed about this!! i really hope she doesnt call for a long long long while, because she isnt getting them, thats rediculous!! Im so sick of documenting all of this sick shit and all the stupid things she does to them just to make our case look good, but dh not being brave enough to just go through with it and just get us custody!!!


Nymh's picture

You know, I have an ex boyfriend whose stepmom did that to him several times when he was 3 or 4 years old and he STILL remembers it and is still really upset about it.

I sooo know where you're coming from about CPS turning a blind eye. We've gone through the same thing with our reports on BM. They actually told us that they could see that BF was just a vindictive ex husband in the middle of a custody battle so they weren't going to do anything! I wonder if they even file a report when you call them so that they have documentation that it's an ongoing thing. The department of children's services in my state got a $14M budget cut last year and is undergoing even more cuts this year. I think they're just seriously understaffed, overworked, and don't have time to take care of the kids the way that they should - which I think is a disgrace! It comes down to our govermnent has more "important" things to spend money on than the health and safety of our children.

*~So sayeth Nymh~*

luvdagirl's picture

We took in a 5 subject notebook of the pretty extreme neglect(as nicely said as possible), SD met with them told them about BMs BF getting drunk and pissing himself regularly, abuse inside the house living without electric and gas for at times months, well.... cps told us although its not a healthy situation its more of a matter for family court.... WTF, we are talking a rging alcoholic who is violent - has criminal record to prove it, BM who can't continuosly pay rent or utilities, gets beat in front of her kids then teaches them "sometimes you put up with it for your kids sake", the only time they even visited BM was after we and another of her own family members both filed reports to 1-800 # after BM threatened her and her sons life to both of us and even then they did nothing.

I have heard of them crawling up peoples butts for far less, I think they are understaffed but also take the "easy " answer when it comes to split couples reporting on other parent.

There is no reason where logic does not exist

Ashley Walters's picture

Our BM literally left SD2 in an apartment alone and all CPS did was suggest that she get SD into daycare. Hello, you people know that she left a 2 year old little girl alone more than once and thought nothing was wrong with that but you still think she is a fit parent. Our lawyer told us that if anything happens to SD while in BM's care that we can sue our county. But I want to be able to do something about the neglect now, not wait till SD gets really hurt.

SerendipitySM's picture

This is sick - that poor little guy. This sort of thing can traumatize a young child permanently - I hope it doesnt undo all of the hard work that you and your H have put in, potty training him. This is further proof of what I always say - some women should not have been born with a uterus.

smurfy1smile's picture

I could not take the smell so where was this child for 2 hours sitting on his poo? I agree CPS it overworked, underpaid and understaff but they do help the most extreme cases. I have a friend who was in CPS for a while and she said it was so hard to decide who to take out of the home and who stays, they don't like to seperate siblings and unless the kids are starved, naked and beaten their hands are pretty much tied. If you think its that bad get a restraining order requiring BM to have supervised parenting time on a schedule and then take it to court.

Nymh's picture

I understand that it's hard to decide who to take out of a home and who to leave in the can they even begin to make that differentiation without so much as investigating the situation?

*~So sayeth Nymh~*

smurfy1smile's picture

My friend had a case where 2 daughters lived with their BM and they were not doing well - neglect, bad grades, etc - the girls were a pre-teen and a teen and the kids would not cooperate to "help" get their mom in trouble - so what can you do - if the kids won't tell what is really happening.

frustratedinMA's picture

That is neglect for sure. Did you mention that the crime did not fit the punishment, and that it was a pretty stupid thing to do?

I say no more overnights, and no more visits that last more than 2 hrs.

ohiomom2twoandmorel8tr's picture

I just cant stand to hear anymore stories, about kids getting hurt due to the lack of employees. Its just upsetting and just watching her do this to these kids is agrevating. Although i would love to just tell her no you cant have the kids, and sometimes we do She will take us to court for with holding the kids from her since its supposed to be 50/50. I know and understand that CPS is understaffed and over worked, but for heaven sakes these are little kids and babies who are completely helpless and just have to sit there and take it because no one cares, or has no time for them....its just sad!
I know it wouldnt do a damn bit of good but i was thinking of writing someone about it!!