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ohiomom2twoandmorel8tr's picture

so DH gets a court hearing notice in the mail..

Guess what for CS....HAH! excuse me for laughing but what would BM want child support for she gets the kids an average of 8-16 hours a week!! what could she possibly need money for, we send clothes with them even though BM claims she has clothes for them??? She did this couple months ago and the judge denied it because she doesnt get them enough, told her if anything she should pay us, DH has to much pride to pursue it, although i think he should just to spite her!! But God only knows the out come of this court hearing!! Its just not fair to the kids she is like this, she had them for 2 hours monday, they came home with what looked like whip marks from a cord so we called the cops they took picture both officers said it looked like whip marks of some sort, and we have a case number they said they would refer it to CPS but they are about as worthless as her and never do anything!! What the hell is wrong with the justice system? I cant even stand the way things are, why cant they focus on the "actual" good of the kids instead of the BM that are screwing them up, I really just dont get it!? Sad


everythinghappens4areason's picture

Go down to your police station and request a copy of the occurence report and call CPS yourself......they (police) are in a position to report any suspected cases of abuse but just in case it falls between the cracks (which happens quite often I am afraid), you should do it as well. That way CPS can follow up with the department and get copies of the pictures as well....keep protecting your kids, they don't deserve this!

As for the CS order...ridiculous...lets hope the judge throws her butt out of court for good this time.


ColorMeGone2's picture

It's so sad that they had to be treated this way, but this is evidence to use to get her rights terminated. Follow up with a call to CPS and DH's atty.

♥ Georgia ♥

"Good men don't just happen. They have to be created by us women." (from ROSEANNE)