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where do i begin...kinda long!

ohiomom2twoandmorel8tr's picture

Well this is my first blog, have been reading for many weeks, and finally decided to join in the fun!! , im in a relationship with a divorced guy with 2 kids, we have been together since nov. of 05 his kids are boys both 2 and 3 they are really good kids!! His marrige was short, to say the least they were young and he thought since she was pregnant that marrige was the answer boy was he wrong!! Well she told him upfront when she was about 5 month pregnant with ss2 that she wanted to basically "BE WITH" other people, nice for someone who is pregnant and married right? So the divorce was in process by their 1 yr anniversary! nice huh? anyways.... So we started seeing each other when she was pregnant and he had SS3, because she was "sick of being a mom" (and yes thats a quote) well we started seeing each other in october when BM was 9 months, we got along and since she already cheated on DH she was fine with me and him being together, and it might seem like we rushed things, but she moved out in july once they filed for a dissol. and not even 12 hrs after that her bf moved in with her! October 17th out pops SS2, well after she got out of the hospital she willingly gave SS2 and SS3 to dh and me,said she would call when she wanted them said she was depressed...blah blah! Anyways so we got a house together after a few short months i moved in to help him with the newborn and SS3 (he turned one the following week on the 24th) here is where it gets good! Two weeks go by, no call from BM, so here i am raising a new born and a one year old and running a house hold, Well a whole month goes by and still no word from her i didnt mind raising them dont get me wrong but part of me is like what the hell is wrong with this lady she has two beautiful kids and she doesnt want them? Well the divorce wasnt finalized until Jan. 06, so they went to sign the papers, i stayed home with the kids, she didnt ask about the kids or how they were doing signed them and left town!! So me and DH are just living life, parenting agreement was 50/50 which we didnt worry about since she was no where to be found and we didnt hear anything from her! Well the boys are getting older and are now calling me mommy, i didnt care i had been taking care of them for a year by this time, so we had our happy family me, brian and the two boys! still no word from bm! EVERYTHING WAS GOING GREAT! then.....

BM comes to our house christmas eve of 07 beating in the door demanding me to give her the kids, hah! over my dead body! SS just turned two and SS is now three....They are looking at this woman like she is freaking carzy! davin is clinging to me saying mommy mommy mommy, im trying to calm them down this dipshit is telling me she is going to beat my ass and acting totally immature, so i slam the door in her face and called dh at work he couldnt believe what he was hearing but they wouldnt let him leave work, So to make this part short, i had to give her the kids because it was her year to have them christmas eve, and the parenting agreement was never changed! Merry freaking Christmas right!! So i had to stand there and let my two babys go with some bimbo at the door who they were totally scared of! Well i called dh back after me and her fought for a little, and was mad at him for letting her take them, now i realize he had no say in it but come on your gone for 2 years, and out of nowhere come back demanding your kids thats rediculous! Well that was her comeback, and now she acts like she is the best mom ever!!

we used to get along but now she is a total bitch, because she hates the fact her kids call me mom!!

So when she got back we had to start following the agreement and she turns around and tries to get a court case going about brian withholding the kids for two years! HAH, that got thrown out!
She is a real piece of work, We had been working on potty training with ss3 and had him in big boy undies, he comes back in a diaper and totally forgets how to go potty!! its horrible and really really frustrating!! I just wish she would disapear again!!

When she came back from parts unknown, she worked at her high school job wendys and was collecting a whole bunch of government assistance, Well she finally got a good job, but still collects a bunch of government assistance, which i turned her in for because she openly gave me that info like a dumbass, and that court date is set for the 6th of june!

Now the kids are in daycare since all three of us work, the only thing is i cant pick them up because she set it up and didnt put me on the list she top priority and dh is low priority, BM BF is medium priority and im nothing... and BM BF is a convicted felon!! nice huh??
The daycare doesnt care for her at all, She always sends them in dirty clothes, and they have been documenting all the mysterious bumbs, and scrathes, and bruises and many of them have been followed by a dr's visit by dh and I and all have been ruled as neglect...So we will have custody soon we are just building a good case!! I cant wait for this all to be over with her!!

All this with in 6 months!! But atleast dh and I are doing good through all of this!!


bellacita's picture

first of all, let me say that if ur hubby and she have joint custody she cannot keep u from picking up teh kids at daycare, i dont care WHO signed them up. especially if u are on a visitation schedule...the days that u are to have visitation u can get the kids from daycare. our BM did this to me too, even banned my fiance from picking up his own kid and we just recently found out that she cannot do this if theres joint custody. shes just trying to control teh situation and keep u out of their lives and she CANNOT. so go back to daycare w whatever u have that says DH has joint custody.
secondly, wow. what a load to handle. i give u so much credit for loving these boys like ur own and taking care of them and loving them like u do. im sure it will take a matter of minutes to have a judge give u full custody w maybe supervised visits for the whacko. until then, hang in. know that we are here to listen and support u.

ohiomom2twoandmorel8tr's picture

Well I'm glad you shed some light on that, cause i thought that didnt sound right, so i guess im gonna have him go to the day care and add to the list, they have a copy of the agreement, but hopefully that agreement is changed soon!! Thanks for the tip!!

ColorMeGone2's picture

I'm sorry you weren't on this site on Christmas Eve. I would've told you to keep the kids and see an atty on the next business day to start the process of terminating her rights so that you could adopt them. Yeah, I know. Hindsight is 20/20. But you have us now and these awesome ladies will be a great support system for you. Hang in there. You're doing a great job!

♥ Georgia ♥

"Good men don't just happen. They have to be created by us women." (from ROSEANNE)

ohiomom2twoandmorel8tr's picture

its so nice being able to vent with people in the same situation!!

Nymh's picture

That's so weird that she was gone for two years, no contact, nothing...her kids didn't even know who she was! Then all of a sudden jumps back in and says, "Give me my kids!" And that she's upset that they call you 'mom?' What did she expect?!

*~So sayeth Nymh~*

Catch22's picture

What a strong wonderful woman you are!! My hat goes off to you for what you have done and this must just break you and your DH's heart Sad

No court in the world is going to give her those kids and how cruel of her to do this to those kids!! I agree with Georgia, surely you could have had the custody order overturned with these circumstances. Anyways, welcome and so glad the daycare seem to be looking out for the kids, that will surely work in your favor through the mess she has thrown at you.

So rude huh?? Dump her kids then demand them back and then not even take proper care of them now that she has them!! Hit the moron for backpay of 2 years CS while your at it.

Catch xx
*Mean People Suck*

Nymh's picture

You guys had the kids for two years, it's only fair that she pay you CS for those two years! She already tried to sue your DH for contempt for keeping them from her and that got thrown out...

*~So sayeth Nymh~*

ohiomom2twoandmorel8tr's picture

thats one thing me and DH dont agree on, we live in stark county ohio and they favor moms over everything, they always say they are trying to keep the family together with only her in mind, meanwhile i bust my ass and do everything for those kids and have virtually no say when it comes to court,atleast thats what it feels like, because im "not their mom" which i find to be BS seeing how she was out of the picture for two years! but for whatever reason DH doesnt think he will get full custody, i told him he is nuts and that any court in the world would grant him custody I mean i understand he is scared they will favor her but in all reality i dont see why they would! Now we document EVERYTHING!! everytime they come back in Diapers, when they should be in underwear and pull ups, she brings them back in dirty clothes, one time she had them for 6 hrs, i asked her what they ate she said they ate yogurt....thats it for 6 hrs!
I ask DH alll the time WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!!!

Nymh's picture

I don't want to burst your bubble or anything like that, but please don't go into this expecting to get full custody. I've just seen waaay too many situations (my own being a prime example) where the BM continues to keep full or primary custody time and again when there is significant, and I mean SIGNIFICANT evidence that she is unfit.

Two years ago, BM was calling the police on us once a week on average, had filed dozens upon dozens of police reports on us, was publicly declaring that she stalked me and my BF, and we had hours of recordings of her screaming, cussing, and raising caine over the phone to me, BF, SS, and anyone within earshot. We were told we couldn't get full custody because they just wouldn't take a kid away from his mother, and quote "BF and I weren't married, which made us look bad."

Please don't take this the wrong way, I just don't want you to get your hopes up. It seems the courts will make up any excuse they can to keep a child with its mother.

*~So sayeth Nymh~*

ohiomom2twoandmorel8tr's picture

... i dont take Offense to it, trust me i know!! It really stinks that its like this esp. when BM's crazy!! We are the custodial parents, which doesnt mean much but get more pull when it comes to decisions for the kids and also, she never wants anything to do with them unless it involves something free, or money!! it makes me sick!!

i guess all we can do is keep at it!

Catch22's picture

In Australia, she wouldn't have a hope in hell of getting her kids! I hate the things I hear you guys over there going through with ex BM's that are shitty mums, and they are things that risk the childs physical and emotional health.

If you had photo's and documentation of phone conversations, a crimal history and reports from the daycare or any one or 2 of those things, here in OZ the parent would be granted supervised access only, until the woman showed consistent responsibilty for a long period of time. After a year or so she would get a few hours unsupervised and so on.

We do have a good system here for Mum's and dads alike. Stability in the kids lives shows for either parent. We also now have a fairer CS system. The government just did a huge CS over haul which is now counting for fathers/mothers who have their children more than 52 nights a year, get a cut in CS for expenses they are paying on their weekend. It never used to matter. We now get an extended cut when we have other children (second family) my DH gets a few thousand more exempt per year of his wage from CS to account for our BS2. Its about time...

I wish you well in your fight for the kids, you deserve the outcome to work in your favor and so do the kids...* Hugs *

Catch xx
*Mean People Suck*

Elizabeth's picture

Check you state's laws about parental abandonment. In some states, a parent not seeing a child for as little as 9 months constitutes abandonment and their rights can be terminated.