Nymh's Blog
Vacation finally looking up!
BM BCC'd me on a few emails this morning between her and BF about the travel itinerary. She does this on occasion as her way of trying to be nice and keep me in the loop without letting BF know that she's done it. The first email was yesterday, she was saying that the vacation was in 2 days and she still didn't have the travel plans from BF so she guessed SS wasn't going. BF responded back that she needed to understand that he had no problem sending the rest of us off to Florida while he waited in her driveway with a deputy and a warrant if she tried to hide SS from him.
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More Pre-Vacation Drama from BM
BM called BF this morning and said, among other things, that we were putting our unborn baby in danger by flying. She tried to tell him that there would be problems with me flying while pregnant and it would harm our baby. She told him that our 9 month old would have problems flying. She told him that he didn't care about me or BM or his children, he just cared about his damn vacation and to hell with everyone else. She told him that she gave him permission to take SS to Florida, but she did NOT give him permission to fly him there.
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I hate it when BF is difficult toward BM for the sake of being difficult!! GRRR
In the parenting plan, it says that if one or the other parent is going to take SS out of state for more than 24 hours, they must provide the other parent with an itinerary including contact information for the duration of the trip. It does not specify when this itinerary must be given to the other parent. We are taking SS with us on vacation to Florida next week - we pick him up on Friday and fly down on Saturday.BM does not want SS to fly.
Interesting choice of words on SS's part, and info about BM's finances
SS was describing BM's current financial situation and used an interesting choice of words. Instead of describing BM's job as "her" job or her money as "her" money, he kept saying "our" and "we". Here's what he told us:
"Mom has been taking my money and spending it on bills"
This just burns me up! The woman has been doing this for years and I just get so mad every time I hear about it. SS loves $2 bills, Sacagawea and silver dollars, so there are a few people that will get them for him when they can to add to his collection. Last night, SS and MIL were sitting on the couch talking about his money that he keeps here, and she asked him if he still had his collection at his Mom's house. He said no, his Mom had been having to take his $2 bills and silver dollars to spend on bills.
Stupid requests,drama gearing up for vacation (of course)
BF got a text yesterday "from SS" (BM's number) saying, "Hey Dad can I stay home with Mom this weekend since I will be with you in FLA on her weekend?" BF responded simply "No." Then he gets a response: "Thanks dad for cheating me out of a weekend with Mom!"
Quit scheduling crap on our time!
My SS's BM has planned for SS to go to a horse show this weekend and is asking if BF can just pick SS up Sunday morning instead of getting him for the whole weekend. SS is in a summer enrichment camp also, and will have to be back Sunday night so he can go back to school Monday morning.
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OT - As good of a parent as my BF is, his brother is the exact opposite.
I feel so sorry for my BF's poor nephews. Their father is truly clueless and gives a bad image to fathers everywhere. He is a parent of convenience, and on visitations his two sons spend more time with their grandmother (my MIL) than they do with BIL. [I call them MIL and BIL even though BF and I are not married because it's easier.] Some weekends MIL will have the children all weekend long and they won't see their dad at all.
Can I borrow some money?
Here's some background: SS is in a summer enrichment program for four weeks. BF agreed to give money to SS each week for the trips that he will be taking during this program. He also agreed to reimburse BM for 1/2 the gas money to take SS to this program, since it's driving she would not normally be doing because he usually rides the bus to school. Ok, fine. He is also still paying child support like clockwork.
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Got a Facebook friend request from BM
Seriously? Why would I add her? Why would I give her an open door into my life when she has been stalking me for 5 years? *shudder* I don't understand in what world she thinks I would accept her friend request?
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