notagain2012's Blog
decievably improving?
I actually like kids. And I love my SO, at least I think I do. Or used to. But everytime his son is around, the stress levels just go through the roof. Even if nothing is going wrong, the anticipation is exhausting. There is definitely something wrong with this kid. It could be something as simple as highly over sensitive, and anxiety, but there is something wrong with him.
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sigh, in bed already
So, I'm in bed already by choice, for many reasons. One, there just wasn't enough room on the couch to sprawl out, and two, my head hurts, and three, I had enough. I think I did enough damage for the evening.
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well isnt that just amazing
It fascinates me, just how little discipline it takes to make things work. SO and SS8 came over yesterday. Absolutely no problems between the kids at all. It was made very clear before hand, no touching hitting etc. Personal space, Blagh Blagh. I told my bs13 (the bully) that no matter what, if ss8 starts acting up, calling him names or touching him, to come to me. I explained to him that no matter how it starts, he is going to end up the bad guy so ss8 can play victim. He seemed to understand, and as much as I know he hates being a tattletale, he said ok.
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does he or doesnt he?
This blog follows up on my previous bully post. I had a lot of great feedback on my last one and I really appreciate it.
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my kid is a bully?
So after 6 weeks of letting SO have every other weekend visits with his son, without interference from my bs13 and I, I have had enough. I had to basically force a hand to deal with this situation, and stop pretending that there is nothing wrong with this arrangement. Out of ss8 mouth, he wanted more alone time with dad, and doesn't want me and SO to live together because he doesn't want to be bullied. Ok then. Whatever. My problem is, SO thinks this is legitimate. As in, 6 weeks ago, we fought about this, and the. Ss8 said he just wanted some alone time with dad.
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