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well isnt that just amazing

notagain2012's picture

It fascinates me, just how little discipline it takes to make things work. SO and SS8 came over yesterday. Absolutely no problems between the kids at all. It was made very clear before hand, no touching hitting etc. Personal space, Blagh Blagh. I told my bs13 (the bully) that no matter what, if ss8 starts acting up, calling him names or touching him, to come to me. I explained to him that no matter how it starts, he is going to end up the bad guy so ss8 can play victim. He seemed to understand, and as much as I know he hates being a tattletale, he said ok.

So far as it went, there were no issues. Ss8 spent about an hour comparing bs13 new stuff to his, and asking how Much whatever cost, and bragging about game preorders etc, and bs13 did a fine job of ignoring him. They played until bedtime.

SO was the one driving me insane. He stayed on his Damn phone so much to the extent I told him while we were watching a movie that if he intended on staying on fb all night, he could have stayed home. Let's not forget the getting up to the bathroom for an hour @1am on his phone. Drives me insane. I told him that I was going to start doing the same thing and see how he liked it. I also told him, after we went through the production of having to dig out the air mattress, and pump, and find batteries and set it up because ss8 decided the futon in front of the 47 inch tv was uncomfortable. And once that was set up, of course, it wasn't in front of the tv so furniture had to be moved to accommodate him. Ugh. Just not something I want to be doing at 11pm, for a 8 year old with back pain. Made me a little cranky. I told SO and he said it wasnt that big of a deal. Really? Considering when I moved I slept on that futon just fine for 2 weeks until I got a new mattress. It's one night, for god sakes. And he's 8. I apologized for getting cranky though.

So, our discussion of the evening, was that overall the Night went well except the prince and the pea incidence. He said he didn't understand how they got along so well, and then other times have so many issues.

I explained to him, imo, that its because for the last 6wks, they haven't came over. BM used to call every Saturday. But now, she's pretty confident they aren't at my house. And ss8 hasn't been told not to have a good time. I imagine it hasn't been a hot topic with her, since in her head, they won't be here. Ss8 is guilt free at the moment. But as soon as he goes home, and she finds out they were here, ss8 will have to listen to her bitch and moan, and put my son and I down, and when he comes back, he will feel guilty for being here, and act out. And BM will call now again, like she used to just to make sure he remebers to feel guilty. Like her little hey, Remebr me, remember how I feel about you being at HER house. Ugh. SO spends 4 nights a month with his kid. That's it. And she, who doesn't even have custody, doesn't support the kid or take him back and forth to school, and didn't want to watch him this summer, she wanted ss8 to stay with dad (who works 10 hrs a day, and pays rent on a room in a friends house, she who disappears in the middle of the night for days on end, yes she who is a worthless lazy irresponsible non working, non driving lunatic, males sure she has to call every Saturday night, to tell ss8 how much she misses him, and loves him.

Yes, she is a problem. And not doing that kid any favors. She sold his wooden outdoor playset ( that significant others family bought) to get cash and pay a fine to keep herself out of jail (from a drug charge).


AngeLily's picture

So glad the kids got along okay. Just remind BS13 it isn't tattling, it's making sure his side is told. When it get's let go for weeks and you hear "he's been doing it every time" when things blow up it is harder to deal with.
I would be way pissed about the "...on his Damn phone so much to the extent I told him while we were watching a movie that if he intended on staying on fb all night, he could have stayed home. Let's not forget the getting up to the bathroom for an hour @1am on his phone." That was BS.
Good luck to you! And I hope things get better.

notagain2012's picture

I tried explaining that to bs13, so hopefully it will help.

And yes, it SS bs. And I told him it was, and that I was over it. He said I was being mean, and I told him he was just being rude. Period, even if he was just at a friends visiting, that rude. Hopefully, it will improve....Grrrrrrrrr.

(but I have consciously made an effort to take my phone everywhere in the house, and take longer trips to the bathroom. I don't want to think he is doing anything seriously wrong, but its annoying as hell. And not the standard....