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Oh where, Oh where can SD be....

No Name SM's picture

Its 10pm on a school night and she is no where to be found. Hasn't been home since she got out of school. DH doesn't know why she isn't home yet....And I don't care nor have I mentioned to DH that its OUR bedtime, therefore past hers! Disengagement is wonderful!

This weekend DH is going out of town to visit a longtime friend who is flying into a town 3 hours away from out of country, I told him that was great (I am ok with him being gone for mothers day) BUT he needed to find a sitter for SD17 or she needed to go elsewhere (which is limited since she drinks while spending the night at friends) cause I was not spending my weekend catering to her. DD is staying with my mom since she hasn't in a while and I wasn't going to have it just me and SD all weekend. He didn't fight it (much) and she is going to stay with her grandma. AHHHH the WHOLE HOUSE to me and my dogs. No trying to hide from SD, taking care of SD, feeding her, having to watch TV in the bedroom cause she is on the couch all day, no cleaning after her. Its going to be the BEST mothers day EVER!!! I am spending Saturday afternoon with my mom and DD doing girly stuff for our mothers day(SD HATES girly stuff) then spending the evening ALONE in my quite, lonely house. I CANT WAIT! Smile

Yes, be jealous. Its ok! I understand.


BarkAtTheMoon's picture

I love days alone with my dogs! I'm taking off work today before toxic OSD19 comes home from college. Because we all know it's NOT a vacation day over the summer when the skids are sitting around the house. Blum 3

~ Moon

No Name SM's picture

I do too! It's so nice to just relax with my pups, they love it and I love it. Haven't gotten this in a while. Lucky you! SD lives away from home for college! Mine wants to stay at home for 2 years at a min. I thought I had one year and now its another THREE! BLECH!

No Name SM's picture

I might just have it for breakfast and not wait for brunch time! haha After all, I have a standard to live up to. SD likes to tell her friends I drink vodka at 8am. }:)

Aniki-Moderator's picture

She's going to have the house aaaaaaall to her happy self. Who cares if she swigs from the bottle?!

classyNJ's picture

Oh enjoy!!! Nothing better than having the house to yourself. I would be jealous but DH and both SS are going to Rehoboth Beach from Friday AM till Sunday PM for baseball. Oh poor me can't go because I didn't get a dog sitter in time. What to do - what to do? }:) Mom and I have the whole weekend! Smile

No Name SM's picture

Beach or house ALL ALONE....geez that's a hard choice. Sorry you couldn't find a sitter for the dog. hehehehe