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Newstep's Blog

Geez quit following your dad!!!

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Ughhhhh maybe I'm just PMSng. But good god SD is following SO around like a little creep. I'm in the bedroom he is cooking dinner he came in here to ask a question and practically ran her over when he turned to leave. He came back a few mins later with her hot on his heels he stopped and turned and knocked her down. Do you think he says quit following me??? Or go find something to do?? No........ It's OMG are you ok?? Poor SD. I'm just cringing the child is 13 almost 14 and she is following him around like a toddler. So aggravating.

Thanksgiving break

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How many days off do your kids/skids have for Thanksgiving break?? Here it is all week long!!!! And lucky me SD is with us all week Sad Which means she will be blowing up our phones wanting to know when we are coming home, what's for lunch, I am bored, etc. etc. I will have her on ignore but it will be pathetic to watch SO try to leave early every day to go home to her whiny ass LOL

Keeping skids while your SO/Dh is away???

Newstep's picture

I know some of you are full time SM's but for those of us that aren't. Do you keep your skids on your DH/SO time if he is gone?? SO is going on a business trip and it will be for 1/2 the week that SD is supposed to be with us. I have no desire to keep her while he is gone. She can stay with her BM. He seemed kinda hurt that I didn't want to keep her. My reason is two fold one I just can't stand the constant neediness of SD but also because her BM is bat shit crazy!!!! I am 99% sure she will pull some BS while he is gone if SD is with me and I don't want to freaking deal with it.

Parent Teacher conference.......

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By its very name means kids don't go right :? :?

Do you or did you take your kids or skids to the conference??? SD has been hounding us about the conference she insists that she needs to go. Here it's set up strange in my opinion. First 8th grade seems too old for conferences. Second there is no assigned time all the teachers are in the cafeteria and parents show up between such and such time like a three hour span. Then you wait till your child's teacher is available.

Adult skids/bios living with you

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Did any of you have a talk with DH/SO about adult kids living in your home?? SO and I had this talk before I moved in with him. The main reason was that his DD20 was moving out on her own for the first time. I was making sure she wasn't expecting to come back if she couldn't handle it. We had a long talk about it and both agreed no adult kids living with us. The only exception was if they were working and going to school. Then it would be temporary and they would have a plan for moving out.

As SM's or GF"s

Newstep's picture

Do you do the beauty stuff with your SD's? SO and I are not married but we live together and SD lives with us EOW. She is always needing something when she comes home because BM doesn't buy anything for her not one single thing. Now she is getting older and started shaving her legs, wearing a little makeup, using body sprays, wearing jewelry. All the girlie girlie stuff. My two bios girls went through all that and I made sure that I did all the firsts with them because it was important to me.

This woman is crazy!!!

Newstep's picture

So BM calls SO today and it bitching him out. He answered because he thought it was someone else he didn't pay attention to the caller ID. Usually he ignores her calls and it forces her to text. Which I wish we could have gotten this one on a text.
