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Does anyone think it's possible....

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To eradicate all of the horrible traits of the BM out of skids??

I know this is a very broad reaching question. SD is 14 almost 15 now. She was a horrible mini wife in the beginning spoiled as hell but SO made some great strides and she has done pretty well. Now the older she gets I think she was just playing us this whole time. She has all the horrible traits of her mother lying, manipulating, lazy,entitled that are coming out in full force again But she hides it under this fake sweet exterior.

Does this punishment fit the crime???????

Newstep's picture

Blog hog today Smile

SD has been getting horrible grades. School hasn't been in session long but we got her progress report and it was C's and D's mostly due to not turning in homework. Yet every day when she is with us and I come home she "has no homework" or "finished it already" and she is sitting watching TV.


Newstep's picture

Do any of your kids or skids leave every freaking package of food open????????? Seriously I can't believe how much goes to waste :jawdrop: Makes me so mad.... }:)

SD is incapable of closing up any package of freaking anything!!! I have clips for all cookies, chips, crackers, etc. Or the package comes with a sealing bag. Nope left open to get stale or just folded over on the counter like that makes a difference. I have told her so many times and SO has gotten on her case about it. She still does it!!!

Back to school vent!!

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Every year it is the same old crap. Every year I try not to let it get to me. The only good thing here is that SO is firmly in agreement with me. Back to school clothes will be the death of me I swear Sad Every year we buy SD school clothes and other stuff she needs. It stays at our house and she wears it when she is with us. Every year BM throws a hissy fit because she thinks SD should take clothes back and forth.

Graduation. Grrrrr

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SD graduates 8th grade tonight. Just last night we are informed she had 2 tickets for the grass area. One for BM and one for SO. He explained to her that things are pretty tense between them right now (recent court battle) so he declined his ticket. She talked with him and understood.

What are some of the stupidest things your SO/DH have done while with BM???

Newstep's picture

I am just dumbfounded by some of the things SO believed or did while married to BM. Some of her lies and BS that he just bought no questions asked. My SO is a very strong type he is a supervisor of 30 people who literally fear him. He gets the job done and they all respect him. But it was like he turned into this weak ass punk once he got home.

Am I overreacting here???

Newstep's picture

What are your thoughts on tanning beds? SD14 has been on this kick since last year to go tanning. I know the laws got stricter in the last few years. But I don't tan so I'm not too familiar. Well one of BM's friends bought a tanning bed. Now SD is asking if it's ok for her to tan. SO told her absolutely not. But we both know BM will let her do it.

Is this a hill to die on?? Her health is put at risk in my opinion. But trying to talk to BM about it will be pointless.

Well court totally sucked!!!

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SO had court yesterday to deal with the issue of BM living with her druggie BF. SD came to us and said that she was afraid to live there because of all the drama. BM hadn't been giving SO her BF's drug tests so she stayed with us for a month while SO tried to work it out with BM. Per the court order if BM didn't supply SO with drug tests he could keep her until further order of the court. She wouldn't agree to anything so off to court they went. The judge ordered them to follow the current order pending mediation. Yesterday was mediation and court.

I hate the Monday's when SD comes home

Newstep's picture

Geez it is the same damn thing every other week!! She comes home with her list of things that she "needs" every damn week. Like we have a money tree growing in our backyard. This week its new shoes and a new phone because hers is "dumb". Really???? she has had that phone for 6 months and now its dumb and she needs a new one. WTF ever kid. Then she is trying to decide how she is going to get her nails done?? I don't know who she thinks is paying for her nails to be done. Just had to vent!!!
