Newstep's Blog
I hate to be like this.....
But I hate buying SO any gifts that I know will go straight to SD. I mean it can be anything like a sweatshirt my kids bought him from the college they attend. Now all of a sudden SD loves it so much and wants to wear it all the time. It is way to big for her but she loves it because it is so comfy. Or the digital camera I bought for him she has pretty much taken it over. He doesn't seem to mind but it bugs me to no end.
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BM is an idiot!!!
Grrrrrrrrrrrrr this woman drives me crazy. She texts SO today "please call it's regarding SD". He is at work and busy so he ignores it. Then she calls,texts,calls, and texts some more. So he finally calls her guess what the big freaking deal was. She says "SD said you were buying her a dog for Christmas and I know of one that needs a home". Really?? No we aren't getting her a dog and if we were there is no way in hell I would get anything from that crazy psycho nut job.
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Ever wonder what life will be like for your skids when they get older?
For those of us with younger skids. I have both SD12 and SD23 and SD21. If I go by the shining example of the older two it will be pretty bleak SD12 is smart but very spoiled and entitled. She manages to get good grades even though EOW she is with BM she goes to school 2 days max. I don't know how she pulls it off. I can just see her in college flunking out because the mean teachers don't like her or some other lame excuse.
On a roll tonight!!!!
I am so irritated right now!! Ever since the last court date when BM was required to pay for copays and Meds when she takes SD to the doctor she has stopped taking her. No big surprise there. But she keeps her home from school sick one to two days every week she has her. Now call me crazy but if the kid is too sick to go to school two days every other week she needs to take her to the doctor right??
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Why do they think they are entitled to my money????
Grrrrrrrr. So mad right now. BF and I combine finances we do pretty well. He finally stopped the money train to BM and skids. But now every single time SD12 needs something she waits until she gets to our house to ask for it. Every little thing and bigger things too. Shoes,sweatshirt,socks etc. We bought all this stuff for her in September but now new stuff is "needed" according to her.
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Do you check with BM on Christmas presents??
My BF asked SD12 what her mom was getting her for Christmas. I gave him a look like why are you asking her that?? So SD goes on this long story about how her BM can't afford to get her much of anything because of blah, blah, blah. You know the same old story BM is poor and can't afford much of anything. Even though she gets 1700.00 per month free and clear CS and has plenty of time to get a job to supplement that amount. But oh no she is so poor!!!
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Just another vent/rant.
Since my BF finally started standing up and putting up boundaries with BM things were going very smooth. But he slacks off a little and back to crazyville we go. He stopped taking her calls because all it amounted to was her yelling at him and telling him what to do. So he communicated via text only.
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SD is missing out because of BM
It just irritates me so much!! We are trying to get SD involved in extra curriculars. We know that we will pay 100% of the tab but feel it is in her best interest. It will help her be exposed to more people and more experiences. Right now the thing is 4-H is is a wonderful program with so much to offer. But there are rules that are stressed and must be followed. One of those is 70% attendance to all meetings. This amounts to about 3 meetings a month. One monthly chapter meeting and then whatever activity you join they may have meetings monthly or every other month.
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Geez I'm home 20 mins!!!!!
And already SD is at it. She was off school today so she was home all day with BM. BF picked up her an hour ago already she is complaining that she is sick and needs to go to the doctor. Every freaking week she walks in needing to go to the doctor. BM no longer takes her because she has to pay the copay and prescription if needed. So she let's her be sick all week and then BF has to take her. Now SD is whining that she needs her flu shot. Fine but she is also complaining that she is sick. She feels feverish, nauseous, and her head hurts.
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Don't worry SD can help you!!!
I swear I hear BF utter these words and I just cringe. We are hosting Thanksgiving which means about 15-20 people. I do most of the cooking for it. I love to do it and have been hosting it for years. It is a huge task but I have it down pat. Since I work full time I have to maximize my time. I sound like a control freak but it's a lot of work and I have a very good schedule to get it all done.
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