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New here and hoping for some advice from other Step-parents...

newmommy77's picture

My DH and I met nearly 4 years ago and will have been married for 3 years in August.
Our son was born almost a month ago. He has a 6 year old daughter from a previous relationship. We used to have her every other week, but since she is in kindergarten we get her every other weekend. I love her like she is my own child, or so I thought until I had our son.
Her mother is a white-trash offense to anyone...she never graduated high school and can't hold a job more than a few months. She lets my SD get away with everything so when she comes to our house and has rules she is a BRAT!! Then I get to hear from my DH that BM says I yelled at SD while she was here. I never yell, I use a stern voice and she knows that I won't put up with her crap. Anyways my son was in a Children's Hospital for 8 days after he was born so we did not have SD that my DH said oh, we'll just get her for 3 weekends in a row. Not that I mind her being here, we usually have fun when she isn't being a brat, but I am a new Mom, trying to get DS on a schedule and my husband is never home. He works a lot of hours, six days a when we do have SD he sees her for a little bit Saturday morning and then on Sunday till we take her back. I have to pick her up from her BM on Friday and take care of her by myself the majority of the weekend. I asked DH if we could skip next weekend, we've had here the past two weekends, or have someone else watch her on Saturday...his facial expression and the "Okay" he gave made me feel like a shitty person, so I went outside to cool off and he hasn't said a word to me since. Now I know that the hormones are probably somewhat to blame, but he and I don't see each other either and it would be nice to spend some time with he and our son. Anyways, thanks for letting me vent, it feels good to write some of these feelings down. I never thought that it would bother me to have a stepchild when we finally had our own child, but it does make a difference...I don't know why, but it does...


stepmom2one's picture

It makes a difference becuz there is a special bond you have with your own children, some people are able to mock that bond with Skids--I am not one of those people sadly. Although I love my SD very much there is a difference, a very distinct difference. Don't feel badly about that, it is natural and I am sure most of the people here can relate.

I think that asking for the time without SD or to skip a day probably hurt his feelings. Though as a SM I can certainly understand why you did. If he is like my DH he won't be able to understand and just get angry when you try....

BTW its ok to yell when kids are naughty--even skids!

Anon2009's picture

Congratulations on your baby boy Smile

Has DH addressed SD's behavior with BM? Maybe if they went to counseling or met with a mediator, they could get on the same page regarding rules, behavior, etc.

Maybe SD needs counseling too. She may feel some jealousy over the fact that your son gets DH every day and she only gets him EOW. Would he consider spending some 1-on-1 time with her when she's with you and calling her more often when she's with BM? Maybe those actions on his part would help alleviate some jealousy towards BS on her part.

stepmom2one's picture

I think calling every couple of days that are scheduled (she can count on) would really help her as well.

I can tell with your schedule that 1 on 1 time would be hard to put in place. But even an hour every Sunday before drop off might help.

Pantera's picture

Don't let your husband's shitty look and shitty ok make you feel bad. Thats on him. HIS daughter is HIS problem. Enjoy your baby.

"If I turn into another, Dig me up from under what is covering the better part of me" -Incubus

Rags's picture

Whoa now sueu. I think brining a new baby home after the baby having to spend 8 days in the hospital, recovering from childbirth, and getting the household resettled with a new baby warrants a bit of a break.

It seems to me that the change was when Dad decided to take the Skid three weekends in a row after missing one weekend for the birth of the new baby. EOWE visitation is stressful enough without having to compound the stress with three Skid weekends in a row while dealing with a new baby.

I don't see this as selfish at all. It is actually extremely adult of her to communicate the need for a break from the Skid to her husband and the desire to have a weekend with just the two of them and the new baby. All things considered I have absolutely no issue with this.

I see no evidence that this family has a consistent issue with the EOWE situation. My parents used to plan an occasional weekend with just them and one of us kids to make it a special Mom/Dad/1 Kid weekend.

What is the problem with that?

She owes no one an appology.


Best regards,

Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications) To each according to their performance, screw Karl Marx. (Rags)

luckykell's picture

I agree with Rags. Yes it would have been one thing if she was just asking for this on an every day basis...but dealing with a newborn is definately an ok reason to ask for a break. I don't have any bio's of my own, and even I know this!

She may have signed onto a life that includes Skids...however, bottom line....this is not her child. If she wants to take a break to tend to her biokid, then more power to her!

"Live well, Love much, Laugh often."

newmommy77's picture

sueu2, That is not the reason that I need a break from husband won't be here anyway, he'll be at work on Saturday, so I'll be taking care of her on Friday and Saturday and he'll only be able to help on Sunday...right now he works 6 days a week, sometimes 14 hours a day, so he's not much help to me during the week, unless he gets home early enough to let me sleep for a few hours and then it's back at it again. I am not complaining about lack of sleep or everything that comes with having a husband, SD, and son...I am just exhausted with SD.
Please don't be judgemental, I thought this was an open forum for step parents to vent and not to criticize others.

Thanks everyone for your supportive comments, they are much appreciated!!

luckykell's picture

An apology for what?! From what it sounds like, she takes the position of full time care taker during largest amount of time of their visitation. She doesnt' HAVE to do this....she CHOOSES to do this. Just because you marry someone with kids and become a stepparent, it does not mean you HAVE to be responsible. We have no legal rights, we have no legal say in the upbringing. Of course it's exhausting! Any stepparent (or any parental figure in general) on here who says they don't get exhausted is lying! She just had a newborn baby...that's exhausting in itself! Skid got to spend 1 on 1 time with their BM...why does this newborn not get that same opportunity?

"Live well, Love much, Laugh often."

Rags's picture

Since the Skid does not live with them your math is wrong "2 or 3 weeks". All the lady asked for was a one weekend break.

As for the relevance of my comparison to my one kid family weekends. Sure it is relevant. One kid, two parents, one specific weekend. The concept is pretty simple.

She also stated that usually the Skid weekends are fine and everyone has a good time. Looking at the situation in totality all that was asked for was one specific weekend because the new mom was worn out and did not have energy for a challenging Skid.

What is your big issue with this? Since conceptually this is pretty simple there must be some underlying issue that has you pretty wound up.

I agree with you that Skids often get blamed for tensions that belong on the adults in the blended family and not on the kid.\

But this one does not pass the smell test for that. At least for me. The lady is a new mom, is tired and needs a break.

Again ...... seems reasonable to me.

Best regards.

Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications) To each according to their performance, screw Karl Marx. (Rags)

stepwhat's picture

I agree with you Rags...

It seems that if you sign up for a site that's about sharing your frustrations with people who have similar situations, you may be looking for some support and encouragement - and not put downs.
Is that a wacky thought?!?
Perhaps for those not wishing to be constructive (which does not require agreement) or encouraging (which only requires sympathy) there should be a different web site?
how about signing up for

stepmom2one's picture

We do the same thing, Rags, with our kids. That is SD, or BSs.

We don't do the entire weekend but we do a "SD Day" or whatever. They get to pick the activity and out to eat. It works for us to get a break from the chaos and to spend one on one time on the weekend.

I think it is a good comparison.

belleboudeuse's picture

Sueu2, I'm wondering -- are you a stepparent?

I clicked on your link to try to figure out a little more about where you are coming from, and I didn't see much other than that you are in Ohio. I would love to read an "introduction" blog from you (most people write them when they join) so that I can learn more about you and understand your perspective. I think it's helpful sometimes to be able to put a poster's remarks in context.


You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. - 2BLoved

belleboudeuse's picture

Yes, and I've noticed she's been back on this thread a number of times to make more comments, but has not responded to my question.


You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. - 2BLoved

stepmom2one's picture


what about your advice? What do you suggest she do to improve her situation.

Even if you disagree you can still be supportive of her feelings and give advice. Thats why we are here right?

Nemo's picture

Is that all you do sueu2? Leave the OP alone. She has a right to want to recover with out having to take car of a brand new baby AND a child she didn't birth becasue the father is going to be at work. Why doesn't he pick SD up after he gets off work, so that way newmommy77 gets a break and daddy gets to spend time with his daughter?

Welcome newmommy77! Congrats on your son!


****"She had his past. I have his future." The Lovely Belleboudeuse****

Amazed's picture

I don't think SD should be shoved aside just because you have a new baby. HOWEVER...your husband is asking too much of you in regard to having SD there when he isn't there to help take care of her. Personally, I would have had that mess sorted out prior to bringing a new baby into it. Basically, you and BM are raising a kid created by Him and BM. It isn't right. He needs to only get SD on the days when he's actually gonna be there to spend time with her regardless of whether or not there's a new baby.

if he makes you have SD AND an infant with no additional help...I'd say he's being a selfish prick. Sorry. That's just my opinion. I feel for you honey...I really do. Having a new baby is tough enough without throwing drama and a selfish husband into the mix.

We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are. ~Anaïs Nin

Amazed's picture

"You only look for reasons to quickly and automatically tell people they are right no matter what they are saying or complaining about."

not true...i get told i'm wrong all the time. Smile

We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are. ~Anaïs Nin

sweetthing's picture

Newmommy77, you have done nothing wrong with asking DH to do something differnt this next weekend. I am not sure if this Sueu2 has given birth recently but I had my 1 & only child almost three years ago via emergency c section. My step kids were with us the weekend the baby & I came home, not a lot of fun for them as I had to go back to urgent care on Sunday so they went home early. The next week Dh stayed home with me & the kids came over in the afternoon & week 2 they stayed with us the entire week on vacation. Starting the 3rd week the boys stopped going to ycare & spent my entire maternity leave at home with me. I have great skids & I love them very much. They have an amazing bond with their brother, BUT OMG it was way too much for me.

So Sueu2 until you have walked the walk, cut this new mom some slack.

It is hard for our husbands to understand how we feel sometimes, I often wonder if the shoe was on the other foot how they would feel. Would they be as accomidating? Mine has admitted if he had to deal with my exH the way I do BM he would not be as good as I am. Hell he had a hard time being nice to my old dog that exH gave me.

Hugs & enjoy this baby. It is important that SD has a relationship with her sibling but the first couple of weeks are hard on us girls, they have a lifetime to form that relationship. Smile

lifeisshort's picture

Ooh, that's a lot to handle. I completely understand being overwhelmed, tired and hormonal with a new baby...
Look, there'a a lot of back and forth going on here, so I'd like to cut to the chase. You just had a baby. Your DH works a lot and is not home to help, so you're pretty much doing this new Mommy thing alone. That's exhausting. I get that Dad wants to have his DD on his scheduled weekends - that's completely understandable. But he's not there for it, so I can see how you would be tweaked when he says he's going to make-up his missed weekend by scheduling it between his normal EOW, making it three weekends in a row. That's a lot of work for you. Granted, I can see how others would say you signed on for this, you can't just disregard the SD and expect your DH to leave her hanging so you can have him and your new baby all to yourself. But there's a learning curve here, too. It doesn't have to be an all-or-nothing-type thing.

Maybe you guys could work it out like this: Ask your DH if he could schedule his missed weekend later on down the road, like maybe next month or in June. The baby would be a little older, you'd have the routine down, maybe a little more sleep at night... maybe you won't feel so overwhelmed by then. Or you could ask your DH that he makes sure he's home for his scheduled visitations. If he can't do that, then ask him if, just for the next few weeks, SD could stay with her Mom until he can work his schedule out so he CAN be home for her visitation times. Tell him you just need some flexibility from him, because this is all so new and extremely exhausting. Make him take the night feedings to get a taste of how hard it is!

It's going to take some tweaking, but you'll find a solution. Nothing like sleep deprivation to motivate someone to find a solution!
JMHO - My best to you.

newmommy77's picture

Just wanted to say thanks again for everyone who has had constructive ideas and who have been supportive. I would love if my DH could take off time, but he drives a truck (owner-operator), so if he doesn't work he doesn't get paid. When I and DS were in the hospital he was off for a whole week...the first time in a year that he had more than 2 days off. He works really hard and I don't mind watching SD when he is gone, I have just been overwhelmed the last couple of weeks. Once I go back to work...I have 4 weeks left of maternity'll probably be even more hectic, but hopefully DS will be on a schedule by then:) DH does try to help when he is home, letting me sleep for a few hours while he takes baby duty...those couple of hours of sleep are great!! Anyways thanks again!!!