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Lol! Don't know how BM's gonna spin this one!

nengooseus's picture

We're a month out from court with The infuriating BM from hell. She's wanting to reduce DH's parenting time with both their kids due to PA that led SS 6.5 to refuse all visitation for 6 months, even though SD 11 never missed a visit. She's also wanting the kids to stay with her husband (stepdad) when she deploys in July.

Come to find out that not only has stepdad also filed for custody of his kid, but he has a whole other kid that he apparently kept secret from everyone and doesn't have contact with, other than to pay CS. They're filing all these actions so that the CS DH pays increases and CS he pays for his first daughter is lowered so that it's not as great a hardship to pay BM #2!

So our BM wants DH to sign off on this guy, who has a kid he has nothing to do with because he's hiding her, to take care of skids while our BM is gone?! And it's all about money?

Was Maury Povich all booked this month, or something? I feel like I'm trapped in an episode of Jerry Springer!


Amcc13's picture

Eugh awful situation. Hopefully common sense will prevail in court

Have you any evidence of why ss is refusing visits? Or any evidence of this other child that he had abandoned that can be used against them?

nengooseus's picture

We know that BM has been actively involved in pa with the boy. That's according this therapist, who acknowledges it, but isn't concerned because she's a quack.

As far as the other child, we have the case number for the child support case and that skids know nothing about the other child. They're there all the time, save every other weekend, so they would know if there were another step sibling :).

We're talking with our lawyer about this new development today. He can make the GAL aware, and we will see whatshe does with it!

simifan's picture

Given the kids young age I can't see how it would be even a consideration unless your DH agreed. If mom it's not here, dad gets custody. Anything else deprives him of his civil rights. Why is it even in question?

simifan's picture

Given the kids young age I can't see how it would be even a consideration unless your DH agreed. If mom it's not here, dad gets custody. Anything else deprives him of his civil rights. Why is it even in question?

Teas83's picture

I really hope that no judge would allow this to happen. It doesn't make sense that a step parent would be given any kind of custody if the bio parent they're married to isn't going to be there, especially when the other bio parent wants the kid.