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PLEASE HELP...With His Crazy, Child's Mother!!!

Dashin20's picture

I should probably start with saying that I am not a step-parent…yet. But I do have a 3 year old son of my own. My boyfriend and I are actually planning a wedding and all of that good stuff, but I have a few concerns. Let me be clear in saying that there is not a single thing wrong with him, or the relationship we have together. He is amazing, and by far the best quality man I have ever met in my life.

The Problem: He has a 2 and a half year old daughter…by a malicious, vindictive psycho.

A little background… The BM was friends with a girl that grew up down the street from me my whole life. I never wanted to be friends with her because drama surrounded her. Well, one day we ended up working together. Me, her, and my boyfriend. Long story short, my boyfriend and I started dating and she went bananas. They had dated several years ago and had a child together, and when he and I started dating, she had already been through several other suitors (and yes, I know this for a fact).

Throughout the next several months she tries to get in my face, ruin my job, spreads terrible rumors about me, publically slanders me and my son on social networks, acted like a Jerry Springer reject in front of all of our co-workers, and all sorts of things. I could honestly go on and on. I was very passive (which is not like me), to all of this because my boyfriend and her were going through legalities of custody of their daughter, and I did not want to taint and judgment on his part. They ended with a parenting plan.

Well I decided to talk to my attorney about everything she had been doing. So, I already know about documenting EVERYTHING and keeping my mouth shut, and so does my boyfriend. When they actually go to court, she will be eating it, trust me.

She has calmed down lately. However, my concern does not lie in issues between her and myself. My problem is with her manipulation of their daughter. She has already taught her to say things such as “(my name) is fat.” I have also heard her say she cannot wait to tell their daughter how big of a slut I am and how I am the reason her and her father are not together. I am none of those things. She has NO problem manipulating her own daughter to get to me. I don’t understand.

This causes a few problems between my boyfriend and I, because I am worried about the relationship we (his daughter and I) will have when she gets older. It is not just the BM, it is her whole family. She lives with both of her divorced parents, her almost 30 year old brother, and his girlfriend. All in the same house, providing plenty of negative influence. I do not want these issues to cause problems between his daughter and I, in turn causing problems between us, and potentially harming our “family”.

She dates many different guys, bringing all of them around their daughter. The guys end up breaking up with her because within a month because she starts trying to pressure them into getting married so they can live together. The guys have confessed, haha. She sees no need in continuing her education or furthering her life because she plans on landing a man to take care of her. She will tell my boyfriend that this new boyfriend is going to be their daughter’s new step-father, so he needs to get over it. It sounds like an episode of Maury Povich. I know. Its embarrassing.

My boyfriend is a college graduate and is starting his career. I am about to graduate college and have a promising career lined up ahead of me. We are working on getting our “ducks in a row”, and I have no doubt that we could live a wonderful life together. But I am still concerned about this one thing.

I want to be close with his daughter, but her mother will not let that happen. She is always going to do everything in her power to drive a wedge between us. I know kids make decisions based upon what they experience, but at the same time, she is still her BM. And being one myself, I will NEVER underestimate the power of teenage girl tantrums or cycles.

My boyfriend assures me that it will not be as bad as I anticipate, but I cannot help but worry.

Has anyone else ever experience anything like this? Does anyone have any advice on how to best handle this situation with his daughter?

I am just trying to feel it out the best way possible, before I commit my life to this.

dash's picture

All BM's seem to go crazy when a GF or wife comes on the scene. My DH's ex wife sends him texts saying what he has to do...she willnot accept this and that. He arrives to collect his kids and she says they not coming but he cancels an after school as he can't leave work (with 24 hrs notice) and she tells him it's unacceptable. He's my husband and it rubs me up the wrong way. I only ever retaliated once via text saying she was a disgrace to the female race for with holding his kids for a year and she shows it to SD 10 yrs and now I am the can't win, never! Wish I had never bothered tbh!

Stick's picture

How horrible am I to think that you should try to get custody of this kid, once you and FH are married? He's graduating college, you're graduating college and you have a 3 year old step-sib.

The BM has a sketchy dating history AND lives in a "full" household.

I am not sure you would lose to her. You two can obviously provide a better life, and you will be able to control somewhat the amount of drama and PAS the BM will bring into your lives by acting early.

What would your husband say? Do you think you guys could handle it? Have you talked to your attorney about it?

Dashin20's picture

We have actually talked about it. They signed a parenting plan, and everything since has been documented, and i do mean EVERYTHING. She has already violated it several times and his lawyer has sent her a letter about filing for parentage is she does not cease. The viokated again the next day. Now it is just the waiting game untik he has an available 5 grand to take her to court, then the money to fund the battle. We could handle having her full time for sure. BM only has her 20 more days per year that FH does, anyway and he has alread made those days up halway through the year, due to her asking him to keep her.

onlynormalone's picture

Well I have a similiar story but mine didn't turn out so rosey for us. I'm not trying to be a downer-I became a step mom when they were 5 and 8. I was always on good terms with ex (I always knew she was nuts-but good terms to ex was just in the best interest of the kids-in my thinking) until she went to jail for DUI. We had the kids pretty much full time before that-he always paid her CS and we figured it was better off with us having the kids as much as we did. I kept 3 years of documents-photos-emails you name it. She didn't even know what size they wore! I did everything for the kids-registering them for school-getting teeth fixed-Dr. check -ups clothes shopping etc etc. By the time we went to court we pretty well thought cut and dry case. She was living out of state because she lossed her job and home due to drinking-She was gone 3 months -We go to court and lose!!! The stress made me so crazy I got down to 89 pounds cuz I couldn't even eat! Now after BM got done with them(brainwashing)-the youngest treats me good still-the teenager can't stand me. All I'm trying to say is be prepaired for anything! She treated them so bad for years and now they worship the ground she walks on. Everything I did-sacrifised went right out the window. I since have ended up with a neurological disease-and SD tells me how "lazy I am." I still do things just takes me longer and sometimes I can't walk when it hits me real bad. We've been to court twice-2 different lawyers-all our savings gone-and they even let them stay in sleezy hotels to visit her until she was able to get an apartment-so it definitly blew our minds how the court system can turn against 2 people that have done nothing wrong. Good luck and hopefully my horror story won't happen to you the way it did to us.