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Any other SM out there...

napamom's picture

Basically just say hi and bye to their steps and not much else? It has become this way in our house (after 3 years of blank looks from my SD13) and this weekend my DH is gone so it's just me, my babies and her and it is SO uncomfortable. Just curious if anyone else lives this way. Thanks!


doll faced sm's picture

She's 13 and doesn't have any friends she'd rather spend the weekend with than boring ol' SM? Kudos???? :?

overitall's picture

My ss17 is EOW and he is never here without his father. We don't even say that much to each other. Occasionally hs counselors will encourage a hi or bye, and if he says it to me, I'll mutter one back; other than that we don't speak any words to each other at all.

Kendall's picture

I'm in the same boat. They live here and it is "Hi,bye" and occasional small talk. They'll both be gone in 2 years, so I'm fine with it.

baseballgirly's picture

I am only around long enough when SOs kids are here to say Hi and Bye. SO and I worked it out that he tell me when he is home and when he has plans and vise versa with me and my work... We have his kids here EOWE and I work every weekend, so I am only around half the days they are here and SO makes sure to be home while I'm at work and make plans for when I'm done.

No idea if his kids think I'm avoiding them or that I work lots... don't really care either! As long as I don't have to be around them, it all works out!!

"Happy family"!!!

daysleeper's picture

Man, you're a more patient woman than I am, taking care of SD when your DH isn't even there. Isn't it supposed to be visitation for him?? I barely say anything to my SD. SO hates it, but I don't really have anything to say to her...

red flags's picture

I live this way! And I pretty much love it. Unless there is some family gathering planned on one of our weekends where I have to be exposed to SD 10's prolonged bratty behavior, I just let her use our house like a hotel with room service (provided by her overindulgent daddy, of course) and go about my weekend as if I were childless (which, as of now, I am). DH plan on getting pregnant sometime early in 2014, and I'm sure things will change once I have one of my own. But for now, the "hi" "bye" life is fine with me!!!

red flags's picture

I live this way! And I pretty much love it. Unless there is some family gathering planned on one of our weekends where I have to be exposed to SD 10's prolonged bratty behavior, I just let her use our house like a hotel with room service (provided by her overindulgent daddy, of course) and go about my weekend as if I were childless (which, as of now, I am). DH plan on getting pregnant sometime early in 2014, and I'm sure things will change once I have one of my own. But for now, the "hi" "bye" life is fine with me!!!

New second wife-step-mom's picture

This is the way I live and has been for about 2 of the 3 years I have been married to DH. I use to try to speak to SS17 and engage him in conversation. But after he started running his mouth about how much he dislikes me I stopped trying. Now I don't even say Hi and Bye most of the time.

ThatGirl's picture

Yep, that's how we live. The last skid living with us 50/50 is 15 in a couple of days. Most of the time, I don't even get a Hi/Bye. He has no friends and never leaves the house, unless it's to go somewhere with his mother.